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In today’s episode, Bishop Barron fields questions from people all over the world, including:

How do we reconcile love as willing the good of the other with more exclusive love, such as the love between a husband and wife?
Some Protestant theologians say that John 6 is not talking about transubstantiation because this dialogue took place before the institution of the Eucharist. What do you think?
What does the Catholic Church say about predestination and free will?
Why does God need to be worshiped and glorified, and need sacrifices? On human terms, this sounds like his love is conditional and he is insecure.
Can dogma be changed or overthrown?
Was Jesus a socialist?
What are the essential qualities/qualifications needed for evangelism? Degrees or degree program recommendations?

The brothers Rutten talk faith, family, and have lots of fun while reviewing their movie of the month: "Same Kind of Different as Me".

Looking more closely at the story of Lazarus, Sharon teaches us that John is
theological and not necessarily chronological in how he presents the life of Jesus. As when he healed
the man born blind, Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead so that God will be glorified. Through the death
and resurrection of Christ, death no longer separates us from the Father; death becomes the gateway
back to the Father.

Jesus tells us to “fear no one.” Not because there is no danger, but because He is calling us to not be safe.

We’re all hyper-distracted, pulled in so many directions from our phones, to TV, to social media. We’re plagued by notifications, texts, pings, and alerts. Why do we put up with all these distractions? How can we avoid them? Bishop Barron shares how to fight back and find pleasure in “useless things.”

A listener asks how to prove there’s a transcendent dimension if it’s not mathematically or scientifically provable.

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