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The Rutten brothers talk about forgiveness, human dignity, relationships, and much more as they review their movie of the month: "A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood"

Chapter 14 has an abundance of nuptial imagery. God designed marriage as a way to
image the Trinity. Just as life flows from the one flesh union of man and woman, the life of the Holy
Spirit flows from the union of the Father and Son, who are one. From the beginning in Genesis, to the
end in Revelation, the story of salvation is the story of the marriage between God and His people.

We spend our lives on any number of pursuits. It is a great gift to discover someone to whom you can give your life. Fathers are meant to be this gift for their children. Christ is this gift for us. In His strength and service, Jesus is the model of fatherhood: when you find something worth living for, the best gift is your presence.

Dr. Chris interviews Carl Olson about the twentieth century American author and convert, Walker Percy.

How do we share the Faith in a culture where many people don’t understand what we mean by words like “sin” or “salvation”—and where the media constantly bombards us with the idea that the teachings of the Church are irrelevant, outdated, or bigoted?

All too often, people aren’t even interested in hearing about the Faith! Especially when we seek to reach young people or bring back those who have left the Church, we must find ways to communicate more effectively—in short, to make our arguments meaningful. Here, the imagination is essential, but often neglected.

In this sample lesson from her Word on Fire Institute course, Dr. Holly Ordway focuses on the role of the imagination in apologetics, showing how attention to language and meaning can make the work of catechesis and evangelization much more effective.

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