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Dr Chris interviews Emily Leedom about how to engage the culture without fear

An article by the Protestant pastor Timothy Keller offers “6 Principles for How to Argue When You Disagree.” Bishop Barron and Brandon walk through the article and discuss how we can have better conversations with people who hold very different views than us.

A listener asks if, as a priest, Bishop Barron ever gets bored at prayer.

As we so often see, John’s Gospel is intimately connected with the book of Genesis: the pre-incarnate Jesus created, while the incarnate Jesus recreated. We remember that after forming man from the dust of the ground, the Lord breathed His own divine breath of life into man, imparting an
eternal soul into Adam. The soul and body unite in a single nature, separated only at death, but to be reunited at the resurrection of the dead.

At some point, the exile will end. You will be able to go back. But why? What is the reason why you will go back?

One day in 1961, the famous physicist Richard Feynman stepped in front of a Caltech lecture hall and posed this question to a group of undergraduate students: “If, in some cataclysm, all of scientific knowledge were to be destroyed, and only one sentence was passed on to the next generation of creatures, what statement would contain the most information in the fewest words?”

In today’s episode we apply that same thought experiment to some of the greatest thinkers and saints from our tradition. What one sentence would encapsulate their thought? We look at Moses, Jesus, Paul, Augustine, Aquinas, Merton, and even Bishop Barron’s own “cataclysm sentence”!

A listener asks whether God made a mistake in creating humans.

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