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Dr. Chris interviews Fr. Kris Cowles about his journey of faith.

Sharon gives us a wonderful teaching about first century Jewish wedding customs,
which helps us to better understand the rich symbolism found in this chapter. In ancient Palestine,
extended families lived together in an expansive house called an insula. The marital ritual began when
the groom and his father journeyed to the bride’s home and negotiated the terms of the marriage.
The son would return home and prepare the insula for the arrival of his bride. The bride prepares herself for
the return of the groom, but she does not know how long it will take for him to return. Knowing this, we
now have a much better understanding of Jesus’ promise to return to us after he prepares a place for us
in his Father’s house.

All of us have gifts in our lives and all of us have real struggles in our lives. What weight do we give our blessings and what weight do we give our struggles?

Dr. Chris interviews Fr. Paul Rutten about men's spirituality and some specific ways that men can grow in their Catholic faith.

It’s an exciting day as we celebrate the launch of Bishop Barron’s newest book, Renewing Our Hope: Essays for the New Evangelization (CUA Press). The book pulls together 17 academic essays, talks, and papers that Bishop has composed over the past few years, and covers everything from evangelization to theology, philosophy, the sex abuse crisis, the priesthood, relativism, liberalism, and even contemporary movies. Brandon and Bishop discuss the book in today’s episode.
A listener asks how to dialogue with those who believe that Jesus is just one of many incarnations of God.

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