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The narrative that science and Christianity are enemies is false. Not only are they not enemies but Christianity helped science develop beyond the limits imposed on it by ancient cosmologies. In this sample lesson from her Word on Fire Institute course titled “Science for Evangelists,” Dr. Trasancos introduces us to the basics of science and why there is no real conflict between science and Christianity.

Want access to the rest of the course? Join the Word on Fire Institute today!

Dr. Chris interviews Ken Ogorek about what it means to be a Christian.

Mary of Bethany breaks open an enormous jar of spikenard and anoints the feet of
Jesus and then dries them with her hair. Mary desires to give everything to Jesus and enter into a
spiritual marriage. She wants to lavish him with not only her most precious earthly gift, but even more,
with the priceless gift of her total self: heart, mind, soul and strength.

The Founding Fathers gave the world a republic that necessitated a people who were virtuous, moral, and religious.

Dr. Chris interviews Ken Ogorek on his journey of faith.

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