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Dr. Chris interviews Dr. Jason Heron about his journey of faith from a Wesleyan pastor's kid into the Catholic Church.

In John 11, we read about the 5th sign (the raising of Lazarus) and the 7th “I Am”
statement: “I am the resurrection and the life.” The resurrection of Lazarus not only foreshadows the
resurrection of Christ but it is also a confirmation of the universal resurrection of the dead. Sharon
emphasizes a fundamental tenant of our faith: at the second coming of Jesus Christ, we will all
experience a bodily resurrection, either to the resurrection of life in heaven or to the resurrection of
condemnation in hell. We will be reunited with either our glorified or condemned bodies.

Homily from the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ. The moment worship becomes about “what I get” it ceases to be an act of love and becomes idolatry.

Today marks the launch of the long-anticipated Word on Fire Bible! Learn more about this project, which has been four years in the making. Discover what makes The Word on Fire Bible unique, how we chose the translation, and why its captivating beauty and insights can lure even nonbelievers to pick up the Scriptures.

Dr. Chris interviews Dr. Jason Heron about the relevance of Catholic Social Teaching for us today.

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