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Over the years, a number of saints have experienced a spiritual marriage with Jesus,
and Sharon tells us the story of Catherine of Sienna who suffered from the invisible stigmata in her union
with Christ. Turning back to the foot-washing, Sharon shows us the spiritual meaning of this story.
Before a wedding, the bride must be blemish-free, washed free of the stain of sin. Baptism cleanses us
from original sin, while reconciliation removes the filth of all other sin in our lives.

Homily from the Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time.

What we love determines the course of our lives more than anything else.

Dr. Chris interviews Chris Motz about the importance of political engagement for Catholics.

Last month, Jon Steingard, frontman of the Christian rock group Hawk Nelson, revealed that “he no longer believes in God” after spending his life as a devout Christian. His prominent de-conversion was profiled by The TODAY Show, People Magazine, NPR, and numerous other outlets. In today’s episode of “The Word on Fire Show,” Bishop Barron and Brandon Vogt explore the reasons Steingard gave to explain why he lost his faith.

A listener asks how to explain to a “none” the role of the Church’s magisterium.

Chapter 13 of the Gospel of John marks the end of the Book of Signs and the
beginning of the Book of Glory. The hour of glory—the hour of the crucifixion—has started. Chapters
13-16 are an extended discourse by Jesus, who is preparing his disciples for his exodus, his departure
from this world back to his heavenly Father. The washing of the disciples’ feet is laden with nuptial
imagery, a theme that runs throughout the entire Bible.

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