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Oil is a symbol of the Holy Spirit and at the Chrism mass, the bishop breathes the Holy Spirit into the oil that will be used for anointing. To help us understand Jesus as 'the gate' Sharon teaches us more about the nature of shepherding. Jesus is the gate to the Kingdom, through which is the sure way to salvation. The shepherd would literally lay down his life to protect his flock, unlike the hireling who would abandon the sheep at the first sign of danger.

Human worth is rooted in our deepest identity. And our deepest identity comes from being made in God’s image and likeness. And God’s deepest identity is love.

Dr. Chris interviews Fr. Tyler Mattson about Chiara Lubich, a 20th century Italian woman who founded the movement Focolare.

If you aren’t familiar with the sweeping story of salvation, the “theo-drama,” you won’t fully grasp any particular part of the story. Today, Bishop Barron unveils the five acts of the biblical drama: Creation, the Fall, the formation of Israel, Jesus Christ, and the Church.

In this next chapter of John's Gospel, Jesus reveals two more "I am" statements: I am
the gate, and I am the good shepherd. To help us better understand this beautiful imagery, Sharon
teaches us about shepherding in Biblical times. Throughout scripture, we see a multitude of references
to shepherds, and how a good shepherd protected his sheep, binding wounds, rescuing from danger,
gathering together, seeking the lost.

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