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Jesus sent the Holy Spirit so that we could receive the first gift of the Holy Spirit: to know what it is to be loved by the Father.

Dr. Chris interviews Fr. Tyler Mattson about his journey of faith.

Kids ask the best questions, and today Bishop Barron responds to many from around the world:

Why did Jesus die on the cross rather than some other death?
Why did God make other planets that people can’t live on?
Where does God sleep?
Will you have friendships in Heaven and will they be the same as friendships on Earth
If God can do anything, can he make a mistake?
Is an angel a spirit or soul? Also, could there be two Supreme Beings?
Why did God allow the Devil to exist?
What is the point of people? Why did God decide to create us?

In the first half hour of this month's episode, the Rutten Brothers reflected on overcoming restrictions that we place on ourselves as they reviewed their movie of the month: "The Peanut Butter Falcon". During the second half hour, they talked about working through our pasts and struggles.

Return from exile is not about a change in location, it is about a change in vocation. It is less about geography and more about mission. The goal is not Resurrection, the goal is Restoration.

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