Audio Highlights

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Our culture holds many different concepts of morality. In this episode, Bishop Barron and Brandon Vogt discuss three major theories–consequentialism, deontology/legalism, and virtue ethics–and how compatible each is with Catholicism.

A listener asks about the Word on Fire strategy for discipleship after we evangelize someone.

Dr. Chris interviews Fr. Kris Cowles about what it means to be a Christian.

“I am the true vine.” With this seventh and final “I am” statement, Chapter 15 of
John’s Gospel focuses on our need to abide in Christ, remaining in His love. The image of a vine reminds
us of the many allegories in the Bible related to wine, grapes and vineyards. Jesus uses the same
imagery in John 15 when he describes the blessings to those who abide in him and the destruction that
occurs to those that do not. God’s vine of Israel was meant to spread throughout the world, but instead
became an un-kept, disgraceful vineyard. Israel was in need of a new and true vine, and Jesus fulfills
that need.

Distraction is anything that takes our focus away from where it needs to be.

Listen to this sample lesson from Bishop Barron’s film and study program “Eucharist,” and then get access to the full study program by joining the Word on Fire Institute.

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