Audio Highlights

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Today, Bishop Barron answers questions from several non-Catholics, including:

How to foster unity between Protestants and Catholics?
Why focus on Mary and the saints instead of the Trinity?
I’m converting to Catholicism, but how will that affect my wife?
Why doesn’t the Church canonize non-Catholics?
How to recognize genuine spiritual movements of the soul?
What is apostolic succession?
Why must bread and wine be used in the Eucharist?

Dr. Chris interviews Dr. Elizabeth Mitchell about philosopher and convert St. Edith Stein and what she means for us today.

The Rutten Brothers talk about friendship, mission, and active participation in life as they review their movie of the month: Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring.

Sharon digs deeper into the imagery of John 15, showing us how God the father is the
husbandman of the vineyard, tending to the vines, pruning away the dead branches so that the vine may
grow and flourish. If we allow, God will cut out our sinful tendencies. This discipline, while at times
painful, is necessary for us to abide with Him. He wants us to bear eternal fruit that will last, and have a
sober intoxication of His Holy Spirit, the sap that flows through the vine as we climb the trestle back to
the Father.

Jesus is either one among many or He is the One and Only. In a culturally diverse world, it is easy to see Christianity as simply one more religion among many. Jesus could easily be seen as just one more holy person among many. Is there any evidence that could lead us to staking our entire lives on the Christian claim? And the entire Christian claim rises and falls on the answer to this one question: is Jesus merely one among many? Or is he the One and Only?

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