Audio Highlights

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Dr. Chris talks with Msgr. Charles Mangan about the importance of Mary in the season of Lent.

In this lesson, Dr. Jan George, a retired university teacher of literature with a Master of Theology from the University of Dallas and founder of Sacred Heart Productions, discusses: The First Adam, The Last Adam, and Baptism: Death to Sin and Life in Christ.

Most of life is made up of unimpressive moments and unimpressive seasons. If we are constantly waiting for the next “peak moment“ we will miss out on most of life…and also most peak moments.

In today’s episode, Bishop Barron fields questions from people all over the world, including:
- How do I evangelize in remote areas where people are simple, and can’t even read the Bible, without dumbing down the message?
- What’s the Catholic response to worry and anxiety?
- Was Purgatory divinely revealed or just a human invention?
- How to evangelize young people about hot-button issues without sounding preachy and condemnatory?
- When praying, should we always go to God with requests or can we sometimes just praise him?
- How can God be outside the universe but still have an effect on it?
- Can you talk about Rabbi Wolpe’s argument against the Trinity, that if God is perfect, how could there be three persons in the Trinity?

During this month's episode, the Rutten brothers reflected on their movie of the month: Tommy Boy.

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