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The Sermon on the Mount reveals the truth about our hearts: we need the Law. But God wants us to be free from the Law. Not by abolishing the Law, but by making our hearts like His. We can let Him do this by taking responsibility, taking action, and taking hold of the strength He offers.

In this lesson, Dr. Jan George, a retired university teacher of literature with a Master of Theology from the University of Dallas and founder of Sacred Heart Productions, discusses: The Old Law: Imperfect but Good, The New Law: Spirit, Grace, and Freedom.

Chapter 2 Part 2: Chapter 2 continues with the wedding feast of Cana, which occurs on the seventh day,
the third day after the fourth day. The wedding feast at Cana is a symbol of a new creation, a new
covenant and serves as the backdrop of the mystical marriage: Jesus, the new Adam, enters into a
spiritual marriage with Mary, the new Eve, and the fruit of this marriage is the Church. The marriage is
consummated at the cross and the church is birthed at Pentecost. Another theme that runs through
John’s Gospel are the Jewish feast days. In this the first of three Passovers found in John’s Gospel, Jesus
clears the Temple of merchants and money changers.

How did Bishop Barron get drawn into the life of the mind? What are his reading and writing habits like? In this episode, he discusses the intellectual life and gives advice to aspiring intellectuals.
A listener asks which literature books Bishop would recommend for a Catholic high school English class.

God trusts us with being His representatives in this world. He has made us His and He has made us good. But to what end? God has made us good for a purpose. Do we live in such a way that we have been made good for nothing?

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