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Dr. Chris Burgwald talks with Marcie Stokman about her faith story, and particularly about how good books and good conversation help her see Jesus more clearly in her daily life.

What is your deepest identity? As we begin our study of John, Sharon poses this fundamental question: Who are you? What is your identity? The answer can be found in scripture: you are a beloved son or daughter of God. This powerful theme runs deep in this lecture. Beginning at the beginning, Sharon focuses on John 1 and Genesis 1, illuminating the nature of Jesus, the Word, who was with God, was in God, and was God before the beginning of time.

Today, we share a sample lesson from a course inside our Word on Fire Institute on “Reaching the Indifferent.” The course is taught by Dr. Matt Nelson and teaches how to evangelize friends and family who are apathetic about God and don’t care about religion. To get the rest of the course, along with 10 other full courses and all sorts of bonuses, join the Institute at

It is “too little” to remain who you are instead of becoming who God needs you to be.

The Rutten Brothers talk about stereotypes, community, relationships and so much more as they reviewed their movie of the month: "With Honor"!

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