Audio Highlights

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With the beginning of Lent right around the corner, Brandon Vogt and I talk about this ancient period of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving in preparation for Easter, and offer several recommendations on how to have a more spiritually powerful Lent. A listener asks: If God made us in his image, and the family is composed of a husband, wife and children, then is there a motherly dimension in God?

Dr. Chris talks with Deacon James Keating about what it means to be a Christian.

Before focusing on John 3, Sharon gives us a teaching on how Catholics approach
scripture study. We are encouraged to use a canonical approach when studying the Bible; that is, we
should consider the entire canon of the Bible whenever trying to understand a particular passage. The
Bible is not meant to be a collection of isolated stories.

In addition, we learn about the senses of scripture: literal and spiritual, with the spiritual sense further
divided into allegorical (foreshadowing of future events and people), moral (virtues that can be learned)
and anagogical (referencing eternity or the eschaton). We then turn our attention back to John 3 and
learn about Nicodemus, whose spiritual journey is a beautiful example of a progressive growth in faith.

In this lesson, Dr. Jan George, a retired university teacher of literature with a Master of Theology from the University of Dallas and founder of Sacred Heart Productions, discusses: God’s Choice of Israel and God Mercy Toward the Gentiles

Stoicism is experiencing a cultural moment, especially among Millennial techies. What is this ancient school of philosophy? Why is it seeing a revival today? And how does it compare to Christianity? Bishop Barron discusses both worldviews in this episode of the “Word on Fire Show.”
A listener asks if the word “holy” means set apart for a particular purpose, what exactly does it mean when we say God himself is holy?

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