Audio Highlights
Recordings from special events, guest speakers, live drives, and more!
Most Recent Episodes
During this month's episode, the Rutten brothers reflected on their movie of the month: 1917.
Dr. Chris talks with Fr. Paul Rutten about the distinctiveness of male spirituality and how men can foster their spiritual lives.
Chapter 3 Part 2: Chapter 3 continues with the story of Nicodemus and focuses on the interaction
between Jesus and Nicodemus, who struggles with understanding the meaning of being born from
above by water and spirit. Nicodemus, a teacher of the law, would have understood the significance of
his earthly lineage, yet he failed to recognize the divine lineage of Jesus Christ, who was born from
above. John 3 concludes with nuptial imagery, as John the Baptist identifies himself as the best man to
Jesus, the bridegroom. Sharon teaches us about a traditional Jewish wedding, shedding light on the
significance of John as the best man, whose role was to bear witness to the consummation of the
In this lesson, Dr. Jan George, a retired university teacher of literature with a Master of Theology from the University of Dallas and founder of Sacred Heart Productions, discusses:Life in Christ Is True Spiritual Worship, The Strong Must Bear with the Weak, and The Spirit Is Drawing All Nations to Christ
We all desire to be heard and seen…to know we matter. Jesus reveals that even your actions in secret are known by the Father and they matter to Him.