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Picking up from where we left off last week, Sharon takes us to John 1, where we
count the days as described by John. Day 1: the Jewish leaders come to visit John in the wilderness
wondering if he is Elijah returned or the prophet or even the Messiah. Day 2: Upon seeing Jesus, John
cries out, “Behold the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world!” Day 3: the call of the first
disciples, including Andrew and his brother Simon, whom Christ renames Peter. Day 4: the call of Phillip
and Nathanael.

Dr. Chris Burgwald talks with Msgr. Charles Mangan about the role and importance of a diocesan bishop.

Dr. Chris talks with Emily Leedom about the importance of knowing our identity as sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father and what that means for us.

After finishing the theme of identity, this lecture then turns to John the Baptist, whose purpose was to bear witness to Christ. John is the voice in the wilderness preparing the way for the Lord as prophesied by Isaiah. Sharon then focuses on typology: John, the new Elijah and Jesus, the new Moses. She concludes her lecture with the first of several examples of bridegroom imagery found in John’s Gospel.

In this lesson, Dr. Jan George, a retired university teacher of literature with a Master of Theology from the University of Dallas and founder of Sacred Heart Productions, discusses: God Showed His Justice in the Past by Withholding His Hand. Abraham’s Faith Was Credited to Him as Justice

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