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Dr. Chris talks with Deacon Omar Gutierrez about the challenges today in handing on the faith to our teens and how we can do so more fruitfully

As we continue our journey through the Gospel of John, Sharon looks back at John 3,
showing how the bridegroom imagery flows into chapter 4. With the fall of mankind, marital discourse
entered the world and has persisted ever since. Sharon then teaches us about the Samaritans, whom
the Jews consider to be apostates. Believing they preserve the authentic faith, the Samaritans practice
the ritual of circumcision and observe the Sabbath, but they only follow the five books of the Torah.

In this lesson, Dr. Jan George, a retired university teacher of literature with a Master of Theology from the University of Dallas and founder of Sacred Heart Productions, discusses: Hymn to the Praise of God’s Glory, Fullness of Life Is Knowledge and Vision of God.

Just recently, Catholics were devastated to learn of another case of sexual abuse, this time involving Jean Vanier, the esteemed founder of L’Arche and a man once considered to be a living saint. Vanier, who passed away last year, was accused of sexually assaulting six women in France, using his religious position to abuse and manipulate them. How do we make sense of all this? How can a man who produced enormous good fruit fail so abysmally? And how should Catholics respond to this sort of abuse, and prevent it from happening again? Bishop Barron offers advice on all these questions and more.
A listener asks how energetic young people, passionate about apologetics and evangelization, can take their study to the next level.

This world is not perfect. And we are not perfect. But imperfect does not mean unloved.

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