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As Catholics, most of us know that we are supposed to pray. But why are we supposed to pray? And how, exactly do we pray? That's what Dr. Chris and Renae Kranz discuss in this episode.

Is parenthood suffocating or liberating? Do children keep you from self-discovery, or can they facilitate you finding your identity? Bishop Barron and Brandon Vogt discuss those questions in light of two controversial articles about parenting, one in Time Magazine and another in the New York Times.

A listener asks, what does a priest go through that validates his authority for the sacraments?

The Brothers Rutten reviewed their movie of the month: "Soul", and much much more!

Join Sharon as she explores the Book of Genesis!

Many of us make plans. And many of those plans don’t end up working out the way that we had expected. Fortunately, God calls us to be courageous even when things don’t work out as we had expected.

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