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How do we make sense of all the names, groups, and movements surrounding the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965)? What are the key things to know, and how have they shaped today’s Catholic Church? Bishop Barron explains.

A listener asks why secular philosophy departments tend to discount Scholasticism in favor of modern philosophy.

Everyone wants to be free. And Jesus said that "the truth will set you free". But what, exactly, does that mean? How can facts free us? That's what Dr. Chris and Renae Kranz discuss in this episode.

Join Sharon while she explores the Book of Genesis!

The apostles asked the question, "What good are these for so many?" Yet, Jesus invited them to give what they had and to trust Him with all of it. Jesus invites us to do the same: Give everything and know that nothing will be wasted.

One of the temptations many of us fall prey to is to "seize": to grab at or reach for the things we want. And while that can sometimes bring happiness in the short-term, in the long term it is a recipe for disappointment and regret. Instead, the Lord invites to live an attitude of receptivity. But what does that look like and how can we do it? That's what Dr. Chris and Renae Kranz discuss in this episode.

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