Audio Highlights
Recordings from special events, guest speakers, live drives, and more!
Most Recent Episodes
Apart from Mary and Joseph, there's only one saint who is important enough that he gets two feast days: St. John the Baptist. Why is that? What's so special about John the Baptist? And how is he particularly relevant for us today? That's what Dr. Chris and Renae Kranz discuss on this episode of Ignition.
Bishop Barron recently joined Jordan Peterson for a second long discussion titled “Christianity and the Modern World,” which has been viewed over 780,000 times. On today’s episode of “The Word on Fire Show,” we revisit and reflect on some of the key moments in the dialogue.
A listener asks, how can I answer my Protestant friend who claims that Catholics focus too much on Jesus’ suffering and death, and not enough on his Resurrection?
Join Sharon while she explores the Gospel of Luke!
Most people who call themselves Catholic do not believe one of the most central and most powerful teaching in the Church. Is it because they lack hearing? Do they lack the opportunity to know about this teaching? Do they lack faith? Or is something else missing?
According to a recent Wall Street Journal headline, “Catholic Schools Are Losing Students at Record Rates, and Hundreds Are Closing.” Catholic schools peaked in the 1960s with about 5.5 million students in 11,000 schools. Today, Catholic schools boast only 1.6 million students in 5,900 schools. What explains this decline? And what can we do about it?
Bishop Barron and Brandon Vogt discuss the situation of Catholic schools, the purpose of Catholic education, and where Catholic schools should move in the future.
A listener asks, how can we be better friends with our friends who are not Christian?