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On today’s episode, Brandon Vogt and I discuss my recent conversation with Alex O’Connor (aka @CosmicSkeptic), one of the most popular atheists in the world. We replay and unpack some of the most important clips from the dialogue. (Watch the full dialogue here.)

A listener who was raised Christian, but became atheist for many years, asks advice on re-engaging with Christianity.

What is the Catholic response to racism? That's what Dr. Chris discusses with Deacon Omar Gutierrez on this episode of Ignition. And make sure and listen to episode 458 in which we discuss the Catholic perspective on racism as well.

Join Sharon as she explores the Gospel of Luke!

Jesus doesn't call us to simply be "nice people." Jesus promises to send the Holy Spirit so that we can be more than we are that we can do more than we can do now. Jesus sends His Holy Spirit so that we can have the strength to be the kind of people who bear witness to Him and His love in this world. He gives His Spirit so that people can be saved and God can be glorified.

Today we share the second half of Bishop Barron’s 2020 address at the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, titled “Called Into the Depths.” He discussed three sailors from the Bible: the patriarch Noah, the prophet Jonah, and our Savior Jesus Christ.

The sea can be thought of as something frightening and terrifying, standing athwart the purposes of God with its unforgiving power and discouraging darkness. However, when we allow ourselves to be swallowed up by the Lord’s will, we will find a peace that is sure and unshakable, even in the midst of the worst storms.

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