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You are special. We’ve heard that for so much of our lives that we’ve either grown numb to it or no longer believe it. But what if it is true?

Have you ever felt like you're wandering aimlessly through life? Like life is happening to you? Like you're just playing a part and not living your life? There's good news... it doesn't have to be that way! It's possible to really live your life, and one easy way to do so is by having a plan. That's what Dr. Chris and Renae Kranz discuss in this episode.

The first annual Word on Fire Conference for Priests brought 300 Catholic priests to Huntington Beach, CA, for a three day reflection on the art of preaching. Bishop Barron delivered four talks, in addition to a talk by Dana Gioia, California’s state Poet Laureate, and the conference closed with a lively Q&A where priests asked Bishop Barron whatever questions they had about preaching. Today, we share the Q&A with you. Enjoy!

Join Sharon while she explores the book of Genesis!

Too often, when we encounter our own brokenness and woundedness, we either pretend it isn’t there or we just want it to be taken away. But surrendered to God, our weakness is more than replaced and more than erased, they are redeemed.

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