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What we are is shaped and revealed by what we choose. Who we are is established by relationships.

We heard parts of the Gospel at every Mass, but have you ever read them from beginning to end? In this episode, Dr. Chris and Dr. Bob Rice talk about the importance of reading each of the Gospels so that we might come to know Jesus more deeply.

Bishop Barron recently visited the University of St. Thomas in Houston, where he had the great privilege of preaching at their baccalaureate Mass. In his homily, shared today on the podcast, he said we must remember that the primary purpose of a Catholic university is evangelization, the proclamation of the lordship of Jesus Christ. Therefore, education must equip and form graduates to sanctify the world, so that the light of Christ can be brought into workplaces, classrooms, and trades.

Join Sharon while she explores the Gospel of Luke!

At Pentecost, the disciples received the Holy Spirit and the subsequent gifts of the Holy Spirit. These gifts glorify the Father and have changed the world. If we were given these gifts, we could also glorify the Father and change the world…but would we?

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