Catholic Answers LIVE
Catholic Answers Live, hosted by Cy Kellett, is a daily, two-hour radio program dedicated to Catholic apologetics and evangelization. According to listener surveys, it is a runaway favorite on Catholic stations across America.
As a call-in program, Catholic Answers Live connects listeners to prominent leaders in the Church today—including scholars, nuns, priests, bishops, and cardinals—and touches on every aspect of our lives as Christians. You'll hear discussions on just about everything relating to the Church: doctrinal controversies, family concerns, social issues, evangelization, ethics…you name it!
Catholic Answers Live airs every Monday through Friday from 6-8 PM Eastern (3-4 PM Pacific) on over 360 AM and FM stations in the United States, Sirius Satellite Radio channel 130, and through the Internet at If you can't listen live, you can subscribe to our podcast or download individual shows from our MP3 archive.
Call in with your question at 1-888-31-TRUTH!
Most Recent Episodes
Questions Covered:
13:37 – In the early Church, as apostolic succession tied to the bishops of the presbyters?
18:13 – Is the Magisterium above Sacred Scripture?
23:32 – Is there a difference between a nun and a sister?
29:06 – I’m a recent convert. Is salvation lost for my ex-Catholic dad?
33:38 – Are there any connections today between Moloch and abortion?
35:40 – You once gave a great argument against Orthodoxy saying that historically they did take the popes say as authoritative. Could you expound on that?
43:27 – Are the Jewish people still saved by the old covenant? Does the old covenant still apply to converted Jews?
47:33 – Is the long form of the St. Michael prayer an exorcism prayer?
50:41 – What keeps an antipope from adding to Catholic tradition?
Questions Covered:
04:05 – Why is the Father the first person of the Trinity, the Son the Second, and the Holy Spirit the Third? Why that order?
13:34 – How are we saved? By grace alone or by baptism?
17:54 – Are you fully a Catholic if you have baptism by desire?
28:37 – Is it true that the Council of Trent taught that there’s no salvation outside of the Catholic Church? And if it is, is that still what the Church teaches today?
39:09 – How can we increase in the initial state of justification?
47:30 – Why do Catholics not believe in predestination?
Questions Covered:
04:37 – 1 John 5:13 says that we can know that we have eternal life. But Catholics say that we can’t know. It sounds like Catholics disagree with the Bible on this. Can we still perish even if we believe in Christ?
17:15 – Why do Christian churches try to scare everybody into believing in hell?
23:09 – Is it true that all Christians who are baptized technically have been exorcized?
29:39 – I have trouble with the teaching that God’s authority over his creations makes it okay for him to kill them. Wouldn’t that make him pro-choice?
42:38 – I see substitutionary atonement as very influential in pushing me towards atheism and I want to see if I’m understanding it correctly.
Questions Covered:
01:21 – My question involves a Frankenstein’ monster scenario. Let’s suppose that the monster’s body was created as provided in the original novel. Let’s also suppose that the body parts were all gathered from baptized persons. After coming to life, would the monster need to be baptized in order to have the stain of original sin removed?
06:11 – Why do things fly off the shelf by themselves? Why do we hear heavy footsteps on our ceiling when we only have a one-story house? Why do our cats avoid a certain spot in the living room and spend hours alertly watching it?
13:16 – I believe in ghosts, or whatever it is that we call ghosts, because my daughter has seen them when she was younger and scared us all. What did she see? If ghosts are real, what are they? Why would someone be able to see them?
23:53 – If you lean too close when blowing out your Jack-o’-lantern, can the pumpkin suck out your soul?
30:02 – I know someone who died, and he was very possibly in mortal sin. His wife died a few years earlier, she was a good faithful Catholic. He spoke to two different relatives probably within an hour after he had just passed and revealed to them that he was not in the same place as his wife, he said that he could not see her. Both relatives didn’t even know he had passed away, he spoke to them in their dreams with the same message. How does that happen?
34:05 – Is Father Amorth fake and/or just a product of the Satanic Panic? If he is fake, is he sincere in his beliefs or is he some type of Satanic Panic Grifter like Mike Warnke and Zachary King? In the case of Father Amorth I still believe in exorcism, but Father Amorth’s claims, and documentaries make me think that he is not a good exorcist. RESOURCE MENTIONED:
36:57 – Could a gateway to hell exist? Such as the legend of Stull, KS
40:42 – My daughter, Lauren, would like to know the history of the tradition of carving pumpkins and if it had any connection to the Catholic “All Hallows Eve”
43:16 – Is serving Candy Corn a mortal or venial sin?
44:11 – I hear demons are not able to reveal a person’s sins IF that person already went to Confession. And demons especially hate Latin. Are either true?
48:28 – Catholic Apologist Matt Fradd does a horror podcast called Sibling Horror… it can get pretty spooky. My question is, can someone listening or writing such stuff put them in any danger of even an occasion of sin since it could be entertaining thoughts and scenarios that could lead down a dark path? Or is that something that would change depending upon the inclination of the specific individual?
Questions Covered:
02:54 – In Wales many claim Halloween came about because of the Celtic festival of Samhain. Is this true? When did All Saints begin? Does it predate Samhain? If not are the dates coincidental? Is this a case of “if the church chooses a date, it’s always going to coincide with something somewhere in the world?”
09:05 – How would you address the deeply Catholic origins of the holiday and how those got twisted into what we have today?
13:16 – What was your favorite Halloween candy when you were a child? And what was your favorite costume?
19:45 – If I were to dress up as a Knight Templar for Halloween, putting on the habit of a knight of the order, would I be in violation of the Papal Bull Vox in Excelso, and thereby excommunicated? The bull suppressed the Order of the Temple, and specifically stated that anyone wearing the habit of the Order would be subject to laetae sentiae excommunication.
28:18 – Jimmy, I’ve got a story that happened to me that I’d love your thoughts on: I went to a Benedictine Catholic liberal arts college in the mid-west. One night, during the week of Halloween, I was up late at night, 1am, working on a Russian history paper. I was in my dorm room, working with just my lamp on, and my roommate was asleep behind me on the bottom bunk. Suddenly, I hear him sit up. So I turn and look at him, and he looks at me with a weird, distant look on his face and says “You have something dead in your school…” I assume I misheard him, so I just say, “What?” “You have something dead in your school…” he says again. “WHAT!?” “You have something dead in your school…” At this point I reason that he’s very actively sleep talking, and I say as much. “You’re talking in your sleep, man. Go back to sleep.” He looks at me with an odd half-smirk, nods, and just lays back down and falls back into sleep. I think nothing else of this and go to bed after printing off my paper. I come to find out that at that same time as this took place, around 1 am, one of the monks at the abbey had passed. So…just a coincidence? Some sort of heralding? I’d love your thoughts…
39:49 – Who’s the best Dracula?
44:50 – Which does Jimmy feel is the better TV show- Addams Family or Munsters, and why?
47:08 – Why do all the Star Wars force ghosts have to sit down when imparting lengthy advice to Luke?
47:45 – My daughter Fiona wants to know if Annabelle the doll is really possessed by a demon?
52:33 – What exactly are the differences between exorcisms and deliverances? How accurate are the depictions in movies overall; which movie/show is most accurate? Also, were any of the canonized saints ever possessed by a demon?