#11509 Tips for Defending the Faith - Trent Horn

Questions Covered:

05:19 – I want to become Catholic but still live at home and my parents are opposed to this decision. What tips do you have for me?
17:14 – What do you say to people who use Church history for not believing in God? Ex. Saying Nazis and Fascists were Catholics?
28:28 – I’m a sidewalk counselor. Whenever I mention Mary people begin attacking me. How do I approach this subject?
34:44 – How would you respond to the claim of Eternal Security while using 1 Jn 5:13 and Mt 7:23 as evidence for it?
42:55 – How is purgatory good news?
48:20 – How do I address the sex scandal to a friend who constantly brings it up as a dig towards the faith?

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