Catholic Answers LIVECatholic Answers LIVE

Catholic Answers Live, hosted by Cy Kellett, is a daily, two-hour radio program dedicated to Catholic apologetics and evangelization. According to listener surveys, it is a runaway favorite on Catholic stations across America. 

As a call-in program, Catholic Answers Live connects listeners to prominent leaders in the Church today—including scholars, nuns, priests, bishops, and cardinals—and touches on every aspect of our lives as Christians. You'll hear discussions on just about everything relating to the Church: doctrinal controversies, family concerns,  social issues, evangelization, ethics…you name it! 

Catholic Answers Live airs every Monday through Friday from 6-8 PM Eastern (3-4 PM Pacific) on over 360 AM and FM stations in the United States, Sirius Satellite Radio channel 130, and through the Internet at If you can't listen live, you can subscribe to our podcast or download individual shows from our MP3 archive. 

Call in with your question at 1-888-31-TRUTH!


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Most Recent Episodes

Questions Covered:

05:23 – Do I need to specify the number of times I’ve sinned during confession? 
07:44 – How do I talk to my friends in class about becoming Catholic? 
15:27 – When we talk about receiving communion people say they feel closer to God, but If we are always in God’s present how can we say that we are closer? 
20:46 – What would happen if a priest were to claim that they are a woman? How would the Church respond? 
30:33 – I’m a divorced Catholic, could I join a monastery? 
33:06 – One of my favorite bands has some borderline sacrilegious lyrics. Is it a mortal sin to listen to their music or go to a concert? 
38:11 – Under what circumstances does a non-Catholic have access to the sacraments? 
45:26 – What is the Church’s teaching for those who are not disposed to receive communion but instead go up, cross their arms and receive a blessing? 
49:07 – What is your advice to a fallen away Catholic who wants to return? 

Questions Covered:

06:34 – Is it appropriate to compare playing the lotto with the Apostles casting lot to replace Judas and the soldiers casting lots for Jesus’ robe?
15:46 – My wife and I just miscarried, what is the Catholic stance on cremation and also on scattering the ashes? Resource:
21:59 – Gen 6 talks about how God was disappointed with the people and sent a flood. Weren’t the people that he killed innocent?
33:07 – Why do we only receive the host for communion instead of both species?
41:39 – I’m a 7th Day Adventist looking into Catholicism. How do I talk to people who feel that once you become a believer, that all your sins, past and future, are already forgiven?
51:04 – I believe in biological evolution. I have a hard time reconciling animals tearing each other apart with there being a just God.

Questions Covered:

04:03 – If a Catholic does not believe in the Eucharist, is he technically not saved? 
13:00 – Referring to scripture, what’s the difference between showing shame and being guilty? 
16:45 – How would you respond to people who are a part of the World Mission Society Word of God and their claim that there’s a Mother God? 
31:55 – I’m Protestant. The Catholic Church looks different from the Church from the Patristic period. How does the development of doctrine work according to Catholics? 
42:49 – A relative of mine who was raised Catholic but now questions everything. She asked why the Church doesn’t accept “gay” marriage and forces women to give birth in circumstances such as rape. How do I respond?
50:14 – Why should I be Catholic and not just Protestant? 

Questions Covered:

05:03 – How would a Catholic respond to the population argument for reincarnation? 
12:15 – Is the desire and being on the way to commit mortal sin, make one lose salvific grace? I’m comparing this to baptism by desire. 
16:43 – If the Pope is infallible, what if he preaches something blatantly immoral? 
20:30 – Can St Joseph’s intercession be good for finding a job? 
23:35 – Why did David wear the priestly garment if he wasn’t a Levite? 
29:37 – How could the Orthodox have a valid priesthood if they reject the authority of the priesthood? 
32:54 – If you prefer going to confession with a certain priest but there’s a confession time earlier with other priests, should you wait or go to the earliest confession? 
36:54 – My brother sends me inappropriate memes about the Church and the Eucharist? How should I handle this since he thinks it’s no big deal? 
43:21 – My dad is a protestant missionary and is very anti-Catholic. He went to Iraq and said he found the original church and claims the Catholic Church is the original Protestant church that broke away from them. How do I respond? 
48:32 – When did adoration become a practice? 
51:27 – 1. Cor 5 says that people who are sexually immoral should be expelled from the Church. How do I reconcile this with people who have been accused of this but continue to retain their power and position in the Church? 

Questions Covered:

17:19 – Is there any non-religious proof for the existence of a God?
23:35 – What is your favorite footnote in the appendix for your book?
30:12 – Granting everything you said about God being timeless, how does having free will make any sense?
41:36 – How do we reconcile God being love and the bible saying that God hates certain people?
50:25 – What does God mean when he says that there will be many mansions in heaven?


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