#11508 Open Forum - Jimmy Akin

Questions Covered:

03:34 – What’s the scriptural proof for purgatory?
08:39 – Can you bless God?
12:23 – What does it mean to be made in the image and likeness of God? Are aliens also made in his image?
18:39 – My friend who survived the Bosnian war in the 90’s said she will never become Catholic because the Catholic and Orthodox Churches influenced the war. How do I respond to this?
24:30 – Is wearing Nikes a sin because the name comes from a pagan goddess?
30:43 – What is the difference between the gift of prophecy and words of knowledge? Does bone broth break a Friday meat fast?
41:00 – Luke described the baby Jesus swaddled and hands and feet tied. Is this imagery of the crucifixion?
45:03 – My husband is a convert and just joined the Knights of Columbus. I don’t know anything about them. Can you explain?
49:39 – What do we know about the state of the soul of a person entering dementia, and losing mental faculties etc.? What can they do to go to heaven?

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