Catholic Answers LIVECatholic Answers LIVE

Catholic Answers Live, hosted by Cy Kellett, is a daily, two-hour radio program dedicated to Catholic apologetics and evangelization. According to listener surveys, it is a runaway favorite on Catholic stations across America. 

As a call-in program, Catholic Answers Live connects listeners to prominent leaders in the Church today—including scholars, nuns, priests, bishops, and cardinals—and touches on every aspect of our lives as Christians. You'll hear discussions on just about everything relating to the Church: doctrinal controversies, family concerns,  social issues, evangelization, ethics…you name it! 

Catholic Answers Live airs every Monday through Friday from 6-8 PM Eastern (3-4 PM Pacific) on over 360 AM and FM stations in the United States, Sirius Satellite Radio channel 130, and through the Internet at If you can't listen live, you can subscribe to our podcast or download individual shows from our MP3 archive. 

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Most Recent Episodes

Questions Covered:

03:18 – Will we be able to fly in our resurrected body? Would I be able to fly to space?
11:35 – How do I implement an understanding of the development of doctrine to Vatican 2?
16:44 – What did Jesus mean that the only exception to leaving a marriage is due to immorality?
23:27 – Could you explain what Jn 1:1 means?
33:15 – How do you respond to the claim “Catholics think you can buy your way into heaven?”
37:15 – How do I explain to my friend that it’s important to go back to church since she feels betrayed by God due to her daughter’s illness?
45:17 – How culpable is a person who committed mortal sins due to trauma that he had?
52:22 – Is faith a work?

In this episode Trent sits down with Cy Kellett of the Catholic Answers Focus podcast to break down common slanderous accusations pro-choice advocates make against pro-lifers.

Welcome to The Counsel of Trent podcast, a production of Catholic Answers.
Trent Horn:
Hey, everyone. I’m still taking time off this week to spend time with family, to celebrate my wife’s birthday with her, but I thought it would still be nice to share with you an interview that I did, just in case you’re missing some time with me. Before the Dobbs v. Jackson decision came out in June, I sat down with Cy Kellett on the Catholic Answers Focus podcast to tear apart common pro-choice arguments and pro-choice stereotypes of pro-life people. The interview is still quite timely because you’re hearing all of these arguments now, just as I predicted you would be hearing all of this. I said even before…
Trent Horn:
It’s funny, when you go back and listen to the interview, I’m such a Debbie Downer. We’re talking about it, and I said, “Even if the Court doesn’t overturn Roe v. Wade, this is still a big deal.” You could tell I just had a hard time getting my hopes up, but now yippee! I’m happy that we’ve made this advance to protect the lives of unborn children.
Trent Horn:
We have not won the war by any means, but we have secured a major victory. That means we have to continue to push forward, and we have to do so in an assertive way and a gracious way. I hope this interview helps you to be able to do that, to give you some tips for engaging in these conversations. They’re going to be coming up more and more and more.
Trent Horn:
Hope that’s helpful for you guys, and don’t forget to subscribe to the Catholic Answers Focus podcast if you want to hear more interviews like this. Of course, continue to subscribe to The Counsel of Trent. Leave a review for us on Apple Podcasts, Google Play. That’s always helpful as well.
Trent Horn:
Without further ado, here is my interview with Cy Kellett about debunking pro-choice arguments and stereotypes about pro-life people.
Cy Kellett:
One thing that is clear, because the media has made this clear to me, is that the pro-life movement has overwhelmingly been a movement of violent people who attack pro-abortion people and abortion doctors and all of that. It really has been an extraordinarily violent movement.
Trent Horn:
Well, that’s what you’ll hear from the media, that, overall, the pro-life movement is violent; but when you compare the pro-life movement to other social movements throughout history, the pro-life movement is one of the most peaceful social movements of all time. This is a movement in the United States composed of tens of millions of people. Think about all the people who go to March for Life, who pray in front of abortion facilities.
Trent Horn:
While there are other movements around… If you think there are other movements around the country, such as animal rights movements, which are, I would say, they’re not as large as the pro-life movement. I’ve never seen an animal rights march that could compare to the March for Life. Yet animal rights, environmentalists, frequently engage in acts of violence. They’ll put steel spikes into trees when loggers try to cut them down. They will blow up laboratories, burn them down. In fact, there’s a whole branch of violence dedicated to that, called eco-terrorism.
Trent Horn:
Similar other movements throughout history have resorted to things like violence, but the pro-life movement… It’s really interesting, I was reading an article at Slate, which is an online publication, very liberal, so very in favor of the pro-choice worldview. One of the articles there, I remember the author saying, “It’s actually quite surprising how little violence there is in the pro-life movement given that pro-lifers believe thousands of human beings are being killed e…

Every so often the debate over Mary having other children comes up. Tim Staples, author of Behold Your Mother, joins us to debunk this claim.

Cy Kellett:
Tim Staples, Catholic apologist. Thank you for being with us on Catholic Answers Focus.
Tim Staples:
It is great to be with you, Cy Kellett.
Cy Kellett:
I stress Catholic apologist because I want to challenge you a bit on a Catholic belief.
Tim Staples:
Uh-oh. Am I in trouble?
Cy Kellett:
I’m going to challenge you with the Bible, and this just is a passage of the Bible that seems so clear and seems to have such an obvious, indisputabl…

Questions Covered:

05:55 – Where does one have a right to deny someone else communion?
19:22 – How to reconcile evangelization with invincible ignorance?
29:01 – How do we know when we cross from dulia to latria?
35:26 – If the Holy Spirit can talk to us, can the saints and Mary communicate with us too?
38:08 – Can we pray for ourselves before and during our time in purgatory?
43:50 – Why did God not want Adam and Eve to eat the fruit? Is Natalie an adult – Sounds like a child?
48:36 – Are we allowed to attend Orthodox vespers or liturgy of the hours?
51:14 – What is the Catholic response to the claim that 2 Tim 2:15 KJV supports two gospels, one for Jews and another for the gentiles?

Questions Covered:

04:14 – Since God isn’t limited to time and space can he see all the paths that we could have taken in life? 
15:30 – Could you explain the Vatican’s Council for Inclusive Capitalism? 
22:10 – What should we expect if Jesus comes back tomorrow? 
29:45 – I’m not Catholic but I am so close. Can you give me advice on making the leap even though Pope Francis scandalizes me? 
37:50 – Is it ok to marry with the intention to adopt and not procreate? 
42:37 – Can demons materialize in human form? 
48:39 – How does Jer. 31:29-30 relate to original sin? 


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