Catholic Answers LIVECatholic Answers LIVE

Catholic Answers Live, hosted by Cy Kellett, is a daily, two-hour radio program dedicated to Catholic apologetics and evangelization. According to listener surveys, it is a runaway favorite on Catholic stations across America. 

As a call-in program, Catholic Answers Live connects listeners to prominent leaders in the Church today—including scholars, nuns, priests, bishops, and cardinals—and touches on every aspect of our lives as Christians. You'll hear discussions on just about everything relating to the Church: doctrinal controversies, family concerns,  social issues, evangelization, ethics…you name it! 

Catholic Answers Live airs every Monday through Friday from 6-8 PM Eastern (3-4 PM Pacific) on over 360 AM and FM stations in the United States, Sirius Satellite Radio channel 130, and through the Internet at If you can't listen live, you can subscribe to our podcast or download individual shows from our MP3 archive. 

Call in with your question at 1-888-31-TRUTH!


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Most Recent Episodes

Questions Covered:

06:10 – Why does it matter if Mary was born with or without original sin? How do we know that Mary didn’t have any children after Jesus?
15:18 – I had someone ask me why we baptize infants. Could you tell me if the answer I gave them was ok?
24:00 – Is God limited by sets of conditions or events?
43:45 – How does someone transition from saying Catholicism is true from just an intellectual standpoint and start to feel it emotionally too?
47:53 – Why do you, Trent Horn, never answer questions about faith alone and the bible in your debates?
52:30 – How do you explain why it’s a sin to take the Lord’s name in vain, specifically when saying “Oh my God”.

Questions Covered:

00:30 – There’s been a lot of talk at my work about “mercury being in retrograde” and that it makes everything on earth topsy-turvy. Could this really effect things on earth? I thought this was completely unfounded but then I thought about how the moon controls the tides and how people seem to act crazier when there’s a full moon… Would love Jimmy’s opinion on this!
11:36 – If Adam and Eve didn’t commit original sin but some other descendent did, say Cain, would we have a split line of humanity? One line with a fallen nature and one without?
15:55 – To my understanding, animals’ souls lack the necessary ingredient of reason to be eternal, so their souls perish with their bodies when they die. In Numbers 22, the Lord opened the mouth of Balaam’s donkey, so he could speak to his owner. It appears that God raised Balaam’s donkey’s nature for a moment to include the use of reason to speak and convince Balaam of his sin. What would have happened to the donkey if he had died in that state? If he momentarily possessed a rational soul required for eternal life, and he used it to obey God by convincing Balaam of his sin, would the donkey have then had the possibility of eternal life in heaven?
28:59 – What exactly is happening in the book of Tobit when Sarah’s husbands keep dying? Is a demon really killing them? If so, how? Possessing Sarah and causing her to kill them, possessing the husbands and having them kill themselves? Some other way?
34:02 – If God is beyond time (time is not a concept for God), could the Passion of Jesus still be going on and then conceivably my since could make the pain that Jesus endures even more… and then the opposite, if I sin less, Jesus receives less pain?
43:00 – Say there was a global catastrophe that caused much destruction and prevented communication between the Americas and Europe. No one in the Americas knows if anyone still lives in Europe and has no way of finding out. In this scenario, would it be prudent for American cardinals to elect their own pontiff, or should they hope that papal succession is safe in Europe?
49:00 – Did Jesus know how to build an airplane? Is there a way to say that he didn’t without calling in to question his divine omniscience as the 2nd Person of the holy Trinity?
52:45 – What’s the real deal with Ed and Lorraine Warren. I can assume that the movie prelude statement about them being commissioned by the Church is a stretch or even a lie. Though, they do have a bunch of supposed possessed items, one being the Anna Bell doll. My curiosity is intrigued on this, I can’t imagine the Church would enlist lay people to do this type of work. Is it all just a lie?

Questions Covered:

05:39 – I love these episodes! I’ve got a question for you – if humanity ever encounters another intelligent species in outer space (or the inner earth or whatnot), would someone from said species be potentially eligible to be elected Pope (assuming they met the other qualifications), or is that office explicitly limited to humans?
10:55 – What are your thoughts on the Omicron Variant?
18:02 – My ten-year-old brother would like to know if it’s possible that Bigfoot could be an alien
24:42 – If you had conjoined male twins, could one get ordained and the other married? Does the extent of conjunction affect the answer?
31:54 – I know that it is fine for Catholics to believe in evolution, and I do. But recently, I have read some academics who argue that human morality is a product of evolution. That is, people who acted in anti-social ways were ostracized by society and more likely to die, and therefore people having our current moral orientation evolved through natural selection. Can this view be reconciled with Catholic understanding, or is it in opposition?
41:11 – What evidence is there for ball lightning? I saw it roughly 20 years ago and was fascinated. But at that time there were no pictures or good theories.
46:22 – IF parents and Godparents can present a newborn child for Baptism…could someone, say a son, ask a priest to forgive the sins of their mother, or father, who are essentially, due to the advanced nature of Alzheimer’s babies?


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