Catholic Answers LIVECatholic Answers LIVE

Catholic Answers Live, hosted by Cy Kellett, is a daily, two-hour radio program dedicated to Catholic apologetics and evangelization. According to listener surveys, it is a runaway favorite on Catholic stations across America. 

As a call-in program, Catholic Answers Live connects listeners to prominent leaders in the Church today—including scholars, nuns, priests, bishops, and cardinals—and touches on every aspect of our lives as Christians. You'll hear discussions on just about everything relating to the Church: doctrinal controversies, family concerns,  social issues, evangelization, ethics…you name it! 

Catholic Answers Live airs every Monday through Friday from 6-8 PM Eastern (3-4 PM Pacific) on over 360 AM and FM stations in the United States, Sirius Satellite Radio channel 130, and through the Internet at If you can't listen live, you can subscribe to our podcast or download individual shows from our MP3 archive. 

Call in with your question at 1-888-31-TRUTH!


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Questions Covered:

01:30 – A friend of mine says historically the transubstantiation was just developed by the authority and the clergy to get people to give more money and to control the church. She also said that priests are celibate because the church didn’t want to pay for wives and children. Are either of these statements true?
11:30 – What do you think of the book “Purgatory” by Father FX Schouppe?
16:15 – How does retirement work with Jesus saying not to store up treasures?
19:25 – Why do we have to wait until children are born for them to be baptized? If there is a surgery done where they must be taken out of the womb and then put back in, could they be baptized during that time?
22:00 – Could you talk about Hebrews 10:29, specifically where it mentions “sanctifying”? When I was having a dialogue with some Calvinists, they said he who is being sanctified is Jesus himself but to me it seems that it’s talking about a person who is falling away from the faith.
34:15 – What are the origins of saints being a patron of a specific cause?
43:20 – Can humility bring about harm to other people if you ask for it for yourself?
47:50 – What is the origin of Christmas as a holiday? I’m a high school student and today in class a student and teacher told me it’s a pagan holiday. Could you give some clarification as to where they may have gotten that from and if it is indeed a pagan holiday?

Questions Covered:

03:40 – What do Ch 65 and 66 mean in terms of a new heaven and new earth? Does sabbath rest on Saturday night and Sunday night still apply? 
14:00 – If you are getting someone the sacraments in an extraordinary matter and you have doubts if they know of the necessary truths, is it ok to share those truths with that person? How can someone validly receive last rites if they’re not Catholic? 
18:25 – Is it possible for humans to communicate with animals telepathically other than just speaking? 
28:50 – I’m seriously considering joining the Catholic Church but I have problems with how Catholicism changes what the bible says. For example, where it says “Eat the bread and drink the wine,” however, I have yet to go to a Catholic church that serves the wine. 
35:10 – I haven’t gone through confirmation yet but I want to change rites, from the Latin rite to Byzantine rite. How can I go about that? 
39:25 – In your opinion, what’s a cool story in the Old Testament to do for a bible study? 
43:10 – Is there a difference between dogma and doctrine? 
46:30 – I’ve seen a few Catholics that use a red ribbon or red thread kind of like a bracelet to keep away bad spirits. Is this allowed? Could it also be used so that you yourself don’t pass along evil to others? 
51:00 – Why do people think that John the Baptist was Jesus?

Questions Covered:

05:10 – What is the meaning of Matthew 24:28 because it’s translated differently. One says “where the carcass is the vultures will gather”. Another says “where the body is the eagles will gather”. Is it talking about the church and the saints? If so, why do some translations not seem that way?
15:30 – What is happening in the book of Tobit to Sarah’s previous husband? Is God allowing the demons to kill the husband? Or is it more figurative? 
16:52 – My son was saying he doesn’t understand in Job why God is allowing all these things to happen to Job. He thinks it’s unfair and that it’s really then the work of the devil. How can I explain why God is allowing these things to happen? 
21:58 – What are some resources I can use to better understand the bible? 
24:12 – What is the connection between 1st Thessalonians Ch 4:14 and the assumption of Mary? It’s in my rosary pamphlet so I was wondering if you could offer any other passages connected to the assumption to better meditate on it. 
31:52 – How best can you read the bible and fully understand it? Are there any resources to use so that I can be sure not to just take everything literally? 
39:00 – Is Joachim’s (Mary’s Earthly Father) name in the Bible? 
41:42 – I’m having trouble interpreting the moment where Jesus is with the apostles, and they see someone is spreading the word of Jesus and they don’t want to hear about it but Jesus says they’re an ally. How can we say that the Catholic church is the true church while excusing the fact that people are part of other denominations? 
46:16 – The Old Testament mentions some animals that we’re not supposed to eat because they’re “dirty”. Are we fully allowed to consume animals even though this is mentioned? 
51:01 – What did Martin Luther do to alter the original bible scriptures to make them his own? 
52:44 – For the virgin birth prophecy in Isaiah 7:14, is it a dual prophecy or is it only for the virgin birth? 

Questions Covered:

4:21 – Did the blessings from the Old Testament from Abraham and the prophets have any supernatural benefits attached to them?
12:04 – In your book “The Bible is a Catholic Book”, you said that after the apostolic age, no new scripture was written. Where can I find more information/evidence on this?
14:50 – Why does the book of Daniel at end of Ch 14 feature a second incident of Daniel being thrown in the lion’s den?
19:32 – Were the guards at the tomb Roman or Jewish? What does church history tell us about them?
22:22 – At the presentation of Jesus at the temple, Simeon says to Mary “a sword will pierce your heart too so that the thoughts of many can be revealed” What does that mean, specifically, “that the thoughts of many can be revealed”?
29:00 – Is there any way to reconcile the Torah, the Christian bibles, and the Koran?
32:52 – What is the historical/ biblical evidence for apostolic succession? I’ve been having a discussion with a protestant about it.
41:21 – I had a priest tell me that biblical history started with Ch 11/12 when God talked to Abraham. He said everything before that was just a story to set things up. Is that true?
46:48 – Could you explain 2nd Kings and the story of Elisha? It seems kind of random and I don’t really understand it. Why did they make fun of him and why was his punishment so severe?

Deacon Charlie Echeverry from the Living the Call podcast joins us for a discussion of the opportunities available to better serve the Latino Catholic community. He explains how an apostolate such as ours — and maybe yours — can help bring the Church together in the US and make things less difficult for Catholic families in the future.

Cy Kellett:
You know what’s weird in the American church? It’s getting more Latino while Latinos are getting less Catholic. Deacon Charlie Echeverry from the Archdiocese of Los Angeles is next.
Cy Kellett:
Hello, and welcome to Focus, th…


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