#10783 Open Forum - Tim Staples

Questions Covered:

03:25 – Could you help clarify the idea that Mary is the spouse of the Spirit? 
17:15 – Is it possible to create a 3rd or 4th class relic using the host of a Eucharistic miracle? 
21:30 – If Christ restored everything to pre-golden calf times, why isn’t the priesthood extended to everyone? 
36:16 – Is God’s love for us unconditional or conditional? 
44:06 – I’m a lapsed Catholic seeking to come back. Why are saints’ bodies dismembered after their death and spread throughout the world? And why do they do this before they are declared saints? 
52:00 – My boyfriend and I want to get married but I’m Catholic and He’s Protestant. What do we have to do? What does the Church say about mixed marriages? 

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