Catholic Answers LIVE
Catholic Answers Live, hosted by Cy Kellett, is a daily, two-hour radio program dedicated to Catholic apologetics and evangelization. According to listener surveys, it is a runaway favorite on Catholic stations across America.
As a call-in program, Catholic Answers Live connects listeners to prominent leaders in the Church today—including scholars, nuns, priests, bishops, and cardinals—and touches on every aspect of our lives as Christians. You'll hear discussions on just about everything relating to the Church: doctrinal controversies, family concerns, social issues, evangelization, ethics…you name it!
Catholic Answers Live airs every Monday through Friday from 6-8 PM Eastern (3-4 PM Pacific) on over 360 AM and FM stations in the United States, Sirius Satellite Radio channel 130, and through the Internet at If you can't listen live, you can subscribe to our podcast or download individual shows from our MP3 archive.
Call in with your question at 1-888-31-TRUTH!
Most Recent Episodes
Questions Covered:
15:31 – Regarding the sacrament of penance, I know the Eastern Orthodox Churches deputize lay people to hear each other’s confessions. What is the Catholic view of this, and do we ever make allowances for this?
19:02 – I’ve been to confession where the priests asked me to choose my own penance or gave me a penance with no end date. Is this a normal thing to come across? What should I do in these situations?
29:22 – I have a big sin from my past that I’ve confessed and still feel guilty about. How can I get that guilt to go away?
34:44 – My parish priest visits me once a month and I take that time to go to confession. If I sin the day after he comes and I do a sincere act of contrition, am I forgiven then or do I have to wait till the next month to be forgiven?
44:20 – Is it sinful to question whether I’m actually forgiven?
48:14 – My elderly father has started to come to Mass again after a very long time. He hasn’t been to confession and has been receiving communion. What’s the best way to approach him?
51:14 – Is it possible to request from God and receive from God our penance to not get it in purgatory.
52:53 – Can one be forgiven for a sin that one is too embarrassed to confess but says “and forgive the rest of my sins”?
Questions Covered:
03:39 – My girlfriend is not Catholic but is now open to converting. Does she have to go through RCIA to just get baptized or are there other options?
07:16 – I’m just getting started in RCIA but am in the class with children but getting mixed information of when I could join the Church. Should I just “parish shop?”
15:39 – My fiancé is non-denominational, and her parents are strong evangelicals. How can I guide and lead her to the Church because she’s expressed interest?
18:41 – I’m moving and am currently attending RCIA at a Novus Ordo (N.O.) parish, but I love attending the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM). Should I start attending RCIA at the TLM parish or continue at the N.O. parish? I plan on receiving the sacrament at the N.O. parish.
20:50 – I’m in RCIA and going with my wife but I’m not converting. If Mary and the saints are so important, why doesn’t Paul show that?
29:12 – I’m in RCIA, regarding the “I” “We” baptism story: How do I know whether my pastor said the right words and am validly baptized?
33:52 – I’m considering joining RCIA, there are currently no issues with me joining but if there is a problem within my family, is there a better way of going about joining the Church?
43:06 – I’m having my teenage daughter come live with me. She doesn’t have much faith formation. Does her entry to RCIA have to be on her behalf or can I put her in it?
47:07 – I just came back to the Church, when does a sexual thought become a sin?
51:40 – Do Catholic schools or RCIA do a better job at catechizing Catechumens?
Questions Covered:
08:01 – My granddaughter is in RCIA, and we went to Ash Wednesday Mass together. She asked why we don’t have women priests. What’s a good way to explain this to a teen?
15:39 – I’m considering joining RCIA. Why can’t religion embrace evolution? If God infuses a soul, how do new souls come into existence?
21:12 – I’m a RCIA instructor, I want to ask you about the processes and if you think there’s a better way to instruct and improve now that you’re on the other side?
29:22 – I’m too shy to come into the Church but can I still receive the anointing of the sick?
35:42 – If a person was baptized into the Church do they have to go through RCIA to receive all the other sacraments?
40:30 – I’m very confident in converting but the one thing that hangs me up is not being married in heaven. Are we going to have a close relationship in heaven?
47:48 – Can a baptized 9-year-old go to RCIA and get formed in the sacraments?
Questions Covered:
05:23 – 1. Cor. 15:29, Mormons justify baptism of the dead, what does this actually mean?
14:36 – If God were to contact humans and directly communicate the immediate details of their life, would a human be able to deviate from that?
21:00 – There’re several places in scripture where it says that David is a Man after God’s heart. Because of this you could argue that David was the first person to be devoted to the Sacred Heart, Is this a good argument?
31:10 – Is anyone familiar with the book Bible, the Quran and Science? Can you speak on that? It purports inaccuracies in the Bible.
35:18 – Canon 1251 says we should abstain from meat on every Friday. Why is that not practiced?
44:50 – Can God create Himself? Was Jesus created?
50:50 – What’s the most convincing argument to make to a non-believer that the culture that the Church created promoted the advancement of science?
Questions Covered:
05:23 – 1. Cor. 15:29, Mormons justify baptism of the dead, what does this actually mean?
14:36 – If God were to contact humans and directly communicate the immediate details of their life, would a human be able to deviate from that?
21:00 – There’re several places in scripture where it says that David is a Man after God’s heart. Because of this you could argue that David was the first person to be devoted to the Sacred Heart, Is this a good argument?
31:10 – Is anyone familiar with the book Bible, the Quran and Science? Can you speak on that? It purports inaccuracies in the Bible.
35:18 – Canon 1251 says we should abstain from meat on every Friday. Why is that not practiced?
44:50 – Can God create Himself? Was Jesus created?
50:50 – What’s the most convincing argument to make to a non-believer that the culture that the Church created promoted the advancement of science?