#10787 Open Forum - Jimmy Akin
Questions Covered:
02:51 – Why are there people that reject the 3rd Secret of Fatima?
09:58 – Regarding Mk 9:14-29 and the story of the healing of the demoniac boy. What’s your take on the father’s unbelief?
15:25 – Are writings necessary for canonization of a saint? Is it necessary for them to have written documents?
18:57 – Would it be reasonable to believe that Mary knew that she was conceived without original sin?
20:50 – How would a Catholic immortal respond to the situation of being immortal? Would it be legitimate for them to fight another immortal?
24:59 – What are your thoughts on the prince of Persia in the book of Daniel? Was that a person or a demon?
33:23 – Did the flood in Genesis flood the whole world or just the known world?
38:11 – Who was the first pope?
41:17 – Is there a kind of annulment for the priesthood?
48:18 – Can 2 divorced Catholics who never annulled their marriages date each other?
51:26 – I’m converting, and I want to know the difference between praying in the name of Jesus versus praying in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?