Catholic Answers LIVECatholic Answers LIVE

Catholic Answers Live, hosted by Cy Kellett, is a daily, two-hour radio program dedicated to Catholic apologetics and evangelization. According to listener surveys, it is a runaway favorite on Catholic stations across America. 

As a call-in program, Catholic Answers Live connects listeners to prominent leaders in the Church today—including scholars, nuns, priests, bishops, and cardinals—and touches on every aspect of our lives as Christians. You'll hear discussions on just about everything relating to the Church: doctrinal controversies, family concerns,  social issues, evangelization, ethics…you name it! 

Catholic Answers Live airs every Monday through Friday from 6-8 PM Eastern (3-4 PM Pacific) on over 360 AM and FM stations in the United States, Sirius Satellite Radio channel 130, and through the Internet at If you can't listen live, you can subscribe to our podcast or download individual shows from our MP3 archive. 

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Questions Covered:
02:54 – Whichever of the standard folklore approaches one takes to faeries, it seems like it would be unusual for a faery to be baptized. Which in turn opens up some interesting questions about what’s going on with Cinderella having a faery as a godmother. 
Maybe there’s an order of fair folk who returned to the faith, were baptized, and do good works on behalf of mortals. 
They’re probably also suspected and persecuted by the institutional church. But Cinderella’s family is part of the remnant which maintains a connection with them. 
Maybe this also has to do with why the stepmother treats Cinderella badly: the stepmother is an outsider and suspects what’s going on in the family history and she’s putting pressure on Cinderella to try to make her renounce her pietism. 
Which of course makes it extremely dodgy to have someone with a faery godmother marrying into the royal family. There’s going to be some resistance to that. 
Is there reconciliation? Is the country placed under interdict? Why don’t the stories address this stuff? 
I have a few questions regarding the Soul Gem, one of the six Infinity Gems of Marvel Comics. Here I am specifically referring to the comic version, versus the film version. I do not know how much you know about the Infinity Gems, so here is some important background info: 
— They were created as part of the Universe in the Big Bang 
— Each allows for complete universal control over a different aspect of the universe: power, space, reality, the mind, the soul, and time. 
1) 11:23 – The Soul Gem can warp and unwarp the soul. This means it can forcefully make beings evil or good. Thanos says: “I can turn sinners into saints, and saints into monsters.” Question: What effect does this have on free will, the need for God’s forgiveness, and Purgatory? 
2) 14:39 – The Soul Gem can resurrect the dead. Thanos says, “And the dead, — their souls are also within my control.” Question: If someone was in Heaven and was resurrected, could they theoretically end up in Hell after they die a second time? What about going from Hell to Heaven? 
3) Question: 17:06 – Could the Soul Gem fix Original Sin? 
18:25 – What would happen to your soul if you were assimilated by the Borg? Let’s assume that the cybernetic implants and the nanoprobes keep your body alive indefinitely, you are never killed, and you are never rescued. 
20:16 – Before the fall, did Adam and Eve have to poop? And if so, would their poop have been stinky? Or would they have had perfect poop? Or would they not have pooped at all, and the digestion was perfect, with no need to poop. 
22:41 – Is it possible to validly baptize an unborn baby? I’m thinking of an instance where maybe the mother is dying and the baby is not developed enough to survive outside the womb. If it is not possible, does the reasoning implicitly contradict the church’s teaching on life beginning at conception?  
If it is possible to validly baptize an unborn baby in emergency situations, then what about non-emergency situations? It seems like it would be a good idea just in case something happens before the baby is born. 
29:30 – What criteria would the Catholic Church have to consider if someone wanted to marry an alien?  
Would the couple have to prove they can consummate the marriage? 
Would they have to come up with some way to prove that they are the equivalent of the opposite sex? 
What if any child they bear might have severe disabilities because of mixing species? 
To that end, the Church is against bestiality, so would they have to come up with some criteria to distinguish human from beast? 
34:40 – Why do all representations of the cross depict the corpus with a wound on the right side when the heart and plural sac are on the left? Would blood and water gush forth from the right side when a spear pie…

Questions Covered:
16:00 – What would you say to people who would dismiss the Essenes as just a fringe cult? 
25:00 – What do the Dead Sea Scrolls teach us about His childhood and early adulthood? 
29:15 – What are the Dead Sea Scrolls? 
35:20 – Was St. Paul an Essene? 
44:38 – Considering the Dead Sea Scrolls, why did the apostles choose the Septuagint type instead of the others? 
48:44 – In Mark 4 Jesus says some will not be converted. I once heard that that verse was a reference to Isaiah, is this true and if so, what does that mean? 

Questions Covered
8:56 – If Martin Luther was a Catholic priest, then why doesn’t the Lutheran church have apostolic succession? 
12:19 – Why did the popes stop wearing the crowns and what is the importance of the crowns? 
22:00 – If the Eucharist is the full body, blood, soul and divinity of Jesus, does it have a consciousness? 
35:06 – I’m confused about the sequence of becoming a saint, what is the order?  
What happened to the physical bodies of Mary and Jesus when they entered heaven? 
41:50 – 1 Pt 3:21 on baptism.  I’m a protestant looking into Catholicism. Can you clarify the verse? How do you reconcile it with the Church’s teaching on Baptism? 
49:32 – If God is present everywhere, does that mean he’s present in hell? 

Questions Covered
10:00 – I’ve seen images of the Holy Spirit with a red cross over it, what symbolism does that have? And why did the Holy Spirit conceive Jesus instead of Jesus doing it himself? 
18:49 – If the Orthodox Church is reunited with the Catholic Church, would it pose a problem if we recognized the book of Enoch and others? 
39:04 – What is the role of ecumenism in Faith and practice in the Catholic Church? 

Questions Covered
8:05 – The Church Fathers say the body is the same before and after the fall and the resurrection. What does that mean? 
14:39 – I was talking to my sister who is an atheist and believes in the spirit realm. How would you plead that the spirit world and God can coexist? 
20:02 – With the Catholic understanding of baptism being salvific, what role does the person’s faith play? 
31:51 – How did the early Church work through different people who taught different teachings on Christ like heretics? 
37:36 – Is calling people hateful and racial names a sin against charity and if not, what is it a sin against? 
49:14 – Can a non-Catholic adult receive the anointing of the sick? 


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