Catholic Answers LIVECatholic Answers LIVE

Catholic Answers Live, hosted by Cy Kellett, is a daily, two-hour radio program dedicated to Catholic apologetics and evangelization. According to listener surveys, it is a runaway favorite on Catholic stations across America. 

As a call-in program, Catholic Answers Live connects listeners to prominent leaders in the Church today—including scholars, nuns, priests, bishops, and cardinals—and touches on every aspect of our lives as Christians. You'll hear discussions on just about everything relating to the Church: doctrinal controversies, family concerns,  social issues, evangelization, ethics…you name it! 

Catholic Answers Live airs every Monday through Friday from 6-8 PM Eastern (3-4 PM Pacific) on over 360 AM and FM stations in the United States, Sirius Satellite Radio channel 130, and through the Internet at If you can't listen live, you can subscribe to our podcast or download individual shows from our MP3 archive. 

Call in with your question at 1-888-31-TRUTH!


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Questions Covered:

16:53 – When did priests start wearing vestments?
19:17 – I’m a Catholic convert from 7th day Adventism. I wonder what the early church fathers were taught about the soul after death. Is the soul with God or is the soul asleep in what we call “soul sleep”?
23:10 – I was listening to a podcast called The History of the Early Church and the speaker kept saying that James was Jesus’ brother. Is this a known thing or is that not true? Did He have any brothers or sisters?
32:09 – When I talk to more educated Protestants, they will bring up the church fathers quite frequently but ignore questions about the papacy. How are they able to get away with that? Is that something they do on purpose?
35:50 – When did the early church become known as the “Catholic” church?
36:59 – If there are all these letters written by the apostles in jail, how come none of them survived? The Romans were known for how horrible they were, so were they letting enemies of the state in jail write letters?
42:55 – I heard that in the early church you were obligated to receive the eucharist once a year on Easter. When did that change and why did they do that?
46:48 – In the history of the church, has the church ever locked down like we did in 2020? Do the bishops or the pope have the authority to say it’s not an obligation to go to Sunday mass?
50:17 – In the apostles’ creed when it says Jesus descended into hell, when he came back, did he bring any souls with him?
52:15 – I’m an Anglican. If the Catholic church was the early church, then why doesn’t it look like the book of Acts?

God came among us as a man, but the world is still a mess. So what difference did the life of Jesus make? Gary Michuta, author of Revolt Against Reality, explains how Jesus initiated a revolution in world affairs.

Cy Kellett:
How is your world different because God became a man? Gary Michuta is next. Hello, and welcome to Focus, the Catholic Answers podcast for living, understanding, and defending your Catholic faith. I’m Cy Kellett, your host. And Gary Michuta joins us this time. He has a brand new and wonderful book, Revolt Against Reality: Fighting the Foes of Sanity and Truth from t…

Questions Covered:

05:27 – I have the cremations of my relative. What are the Church’s teachings on keeping these? When did receiving the Eucharist on the hand start being permitted? Where can I find the Catholic church’s writings on this? 
15:05 – In Mark 3:28-30, what does it mean to blaspheme against the holy spirit? Why is it unforgivable? 
23:23 – Why are our Churches not teaching that if you are complicit in voting for something that supports abortion, you are an accomplice to an intrinsic evil? Why did 50% of Catholics vote for a candidate that supports abortion? 
31:30 – My girlfriend died a few months ago. How do I know if she is in purgatory or heaven? 
34:52 – In Genesis Ch 1, it often says that God “saw that it was good”. Is there a chance that God created without knowing if something was good? 
37:20 – If someone has a near death experience, where does their soul go? 
40:50 – Why does the Catholic church require a divorce before you can get an annulment? 
48:18 – Are Mormons able to go to heaven? 
50:58 – My protestant friend said that when we say Jesus’ name, there’s not as much power in it as saying “Yeshua” or “Yahweh”. When we say “Jesus”, is there as much power in it? If we were all to be saying his real name, would he listen to us more? 

Questions Covered:

05:04 – Were there any other people alive around Adam and Eve other than them and their children? 
11:58 – How do we best understand the reality of Christ’s suffering and death on the cross? 
18:15 – When someone says they’re baptized Catholic, how is that different from a Protestant baptism? 
20:53 – Is it possible that God made other people before Adam and Eve and there are other descendants from them? In Genesis 4:14 Cain says “whoever finds me will slay me.” in 17 it says Cain met his wife. 
23:17 – My wife and I are expecting our first child. What is expected of us in choosing the godparents and what is expected of the godparents we choose? 
30:49 – Can demonic spirits from people that are praying over you come into you? 
35:53 – Do you go to heaven if you’ve been cremated? 
41:40 – I know that Jesus came to save us. If he’s half man and half divine, when he passes away as a man, is he still divine? 
46:24 – I’m a protestant looking into Catholicism. As of right now, I believe in conditionalism. If I were to become Catholic, would I have to drop that belief? 
52:40 – In the four gospels, is there any way to know if they were written in chronological order?

Questions Covered:

17:15 – Deuteronomy 22:5 talks about how men that dress in women’s clothes are condemned and looked at in a negative manner. Is that talking about transgenderism, and can that be applied today?
21:26 – With the young adult peer group I have, how do I speak the truth to my friends about chastity and gender without being insensitive and hurting their feelings?
31:30 – How do you know if your child is going through a transition without you knowing about it?
37:11 – We are grandparents of a 15-year-old girl that we’ve heard is thinking about transitioning. She’s threatening to commit suicide if everyone doesn’t support her. How can we deal with and help this situation?
45:10 – How can we as Catholics provide outreach to people that are dealing with this gender situation and do so in a way that is non-judgmental?
52:26 – I saw a study that said transgender identity can be linked to brain activity. Is this true?


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