Catholic Answers LIVECatholic Answers LIVE

Catholic Answers Live, hosted by Cy Kellett, is a daily, two-hour radio program dedicated to Catholic apologetics and evangelization. According to listener surveys, it is a runaway favorite on Catholic stations across America. 

As a call-in program, Catholic Answers Live connects listeners to prominent leaders in the Church today—including scholars, nuns, priests, bishops, and cardinals—and touches on every aspect of our lives as Christians. You'll hear discussions on just about everything relating to the Church: doctrinal controversies, family concerns,  social issues, evangelization, ethics…you name it! 

Catholic Answers Live airs every Monday through Friday from 6-8 PM Eastern (3-4 PM Pacific) on over 360 AM and FM stations in the United States, Sirius Satellite Radio channel 130, and through the Internet at If you can't listen live, you can subscribe to our podcast or download individual shows from our MP3 archive. 

Call in with your question at 1-888-31-TRUTH!


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Questions Covered:

22:47 – How do I find God through anxiety and feeling overwhelmed? 
31:54 – What are your thoughts on the surrender prayer? 
34:41 – Can you help clarify mental prayer and contemplative that St. Theresa of Avila talked about? 
44:12 – Is taking medication for mental issues an admission that God’s presence doesn’t work? 
46:28 – How did you accept God’s calling for you to be Carmelite sisters? 
50:11 – What inspired you to take your vows? What was the experience like? 

Questions Covered:

01:52 – Jer. 33:18 There will never fail to be a time where men will offer burnt offerings. How do we reconcile this with New Testament theology doing away with ritual sacrifices? 
11:37 – As the first born of the resurrection, had Christ not ascended at the end of the gospels, would Jesus have been biologically immortal in his human nature? 
15:49 – Could the Massacre of the Innocence be an allegorical story? 
24:17 – 2 Kings 2:23-24 Why would God allow the children to be harmed because they made fun of someone? What is the meaning of that story? 
31:35 – What are your thoughts on the theory that there was a mistranslation on the story of the crossing of the Red Sea and the actual translation was the Sea of Reeds? How do I refute this idea? 
33:36 – Could you recommend a resource to read on the original understanding of Scripture? How would Jews have understood the bible? – Resource Mentioned: Ancient Israel by ROLAND DEVEAUX, Biblical Backgrounds by CRAIG KEENER 
45:05 – Jesus said be perfect like your Father in heaven is perfect.  How can a sinner become a saint? 
49:12 – Jesus said we can only have eternal life by eating the bread and drinking his blood.  Since Covid we stopped taking the chalice, does this hurt our chances of having eternal life? 
51:15 – What’s the best way to refute the doctrine Total Depravity etc. How do we refute their use of Romans 9 as evidence? 

Questions Covered:

03:47 – Rev. 13:15. What is the image of the beast? Is it a statue, painting etc.? Is it symbolic? 
12:32 – What would the Jews think of Jesus’ name? Were there other Jesus’ walking around?   
15:12 – Could the Holy Family have traveled to Wales? 
19:08 – Does the verse “If you do not carry your cross you cannot be my disciple” mean that the purpose in life is to suffer? 
21:10 – Why did Matthew make the distinction of Petros and Petra in Mt. 16? 
28:49 – Who was Lillith in the apocrypha? 
41:35 – Book of wisdom. Since they refer to wisdom as female, could they be alluding to the Virgin Mary? 
47:15 – Where is purgatory in the bible? Where do you find praying to the saints, especially Mary, in the bible? 

Catholics can use to Scripture to defend the fact that Jesus empowered the Church with a permanent magisterium, but our guest, Suan Sonna, says we should also just use some common sense when we explain the magisterium to Protestant Christians.

Cy Kellett:
Does the church actually have the authority to speak for Jesus? Suan Sonna is next.
Cy Kellett:
Hello and welcome to Focus, the Catholic Answers Podcast for living, understanding, and defending your Catholic faith. And one of the things that we Catholics have to defend is the idea that Jesus left a teaching church, a church with the authorit…

Questions Covered: 

06:30 – Is it correct to say Jesus is a human being based on a 1 Cor 15: 21 reference?  
13:00 – How does the Mormon view of salvation compare to the Catholic view?  
19:19 – Is it wrong to say the incarnation is below God? 
33:31 – Why do you have to be Baptized to go to Heaven?  
37:30 – What is the difference between personal sin and original sin?  
40:51 – Am I right in saying one reason for Pope Francis issuing his Latin Mass Document, was that he felt traditional Catholics were being too arrogant or legalistic? 
49:45 – Why is there an altar call at the end of Mass?  
51:40 – Does the RCIA duration delay people’s salvation? 


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