Catholic Answers LIVE
Catholic Answers Live, hosted by Cy Kellett, is a daily, two-hour radio program dedicated to Catholic apologetics and evangelization. According to listener surveys, it is a runaway favorite on Catholic stations across America.
As a call-in program, Catholic Answers Live connects listeners to prominent leaders in the Church today—including scholars, nuns, priests, bishops, and cardinals—and touches on every aspect of our lives as Christians. You'll hear discussions on just about everything relating to the Church: doctrinal controversies, family concerns, social issues, evangelization, ethics…you name it!
Catholic Answers Live airs every Monday through Friday from 6-8 PM Eastern (3-4 PM Pacific) on over 360 AM and FM stations in the United States, Sirius Satellite Radio channel 130, and through the Internet at If you can't listen live, you can subscribe to our podcast or download individual shows from our MP3 archive.
Call in with your question at 1-888-31-TRUTH!
Most Recent Episodes
Questions Covered:
14:45 – What are your thoughts on one parent sharing all the terrible things the other parent did to the child? Is this protecting the child or hurting them?
22:29 – I haven’t spoken to my mother for 15 years. Do I reconcile with my abusive mother?
31:33 – How do you recover from being the targeted parent? How do you reconcile with the children?
38:50 – I’m experiencing parental alienation. I feel like I’m still being targeted. How do I respond to his behavior?
43:19 – I’m the victim of parental alienation. I’ve run out of ideas. What do I do now?
49:27 – How can I get a relationship back with my kids? They won’t speak to me?
Questions Covered;
08:20 – What are your thoughts on Sola Scriptura?
14:13 – If you’re pressured to have an abortion and given no option, is it still a sin? What does scripture say?
22:14 – Can you give recommendations for biographies of people who have really lived out the Faith? I want to give it to a non-practicing Muslim friend.
29:15 – How would you respond to someone who denies an afterlife?
34:40 – I’m a born again Christian. How do I respond to someone who asks who created God?
41:30 – How can I defend the principle of having to go to confession to remove mortal sin?
48:59 – What are good responses who claim all things are just opinions?
Questions Covered:
01:57 – My son Peter who is 9 asked when your judged what age are You? It is Thomas Aquinas’ opinion that we will be 33 in the resurrection does that mean we will be judged at the age of 33. Thanks for Your shows!
05:55 – Bleeding tears?!? That’s aliens.
10:55 – What does the Easter bunny have to do with it, and why does he deliver eggs when bunnies don’t lay eggs? My granddaughter asked me that the other day. Is the Easter bunny perhaps an alien?
16:27 – How much DID that stone weigh, anyway? It was very large.
21:09 – What if time travelers went back and succeeded in preventing the Crucifixion? (Mind you, I think that time travelers would be unable to change the past even if time travel turns out to be possible.) Would all those prophecies go unfulfilled? Would God have a backup plan of redemption in place?
28:28 – Jimmy Akin, apparently smaller breeds of rabbits live longer than larger ones. Given the known average lifespans of different-sized known breeds of rabbits and the photographic evidence of Easter bunnies could you estimate the average lifespan of an Easter bunny?
32:25 – I heard a priest explain when Christ’s Body was in the Grave, He went and preached to the “spirits or souls in prison” mentioned I believe in 1st or 2d Peter…He preached to the Good dead…not to the bad dead…those in true Hell….and as I understand it…Mel Gibson’s upcoming Passion Of the Christ 2 movie, will be about this very subject…what say you, Jimmy, on this scripture in St. Peter’s Epistle?
44:15 – How does undigested food affect the properties of resurrected bodies? For example, it’s usually assumed resurrected bodies can walk through walls. But would a resurrected body that just ate be able to do so. When talking about the Eucharist, we often assume the real presence is there for about 15 minutes as it still has the accidental form of bread, would a resurrected body need to wait 15 minutes after eating before walking through a wall?
51:13 – What can we say in response to those History Channel types who might ask how we be sure that Christ wasn’t raised from the dead by a benevolent, sympathetic alien force that has been surreptitiously monitoring the human race?
Questions Covered:
08:20 – I heard a priest say that the Eucharist is not physically Christ but substantially Christ. Is that true and what does that mean?
17:25 – I’m a new Catholic and just had my first confession that was very long due to years and quantity of sin. The priest only gave me a small penance. Would this penance remove all temporal?
20:05 – Regarding your debate on Justification vs Jordan Cooper. I had a hard time seeing the differences. How would you summarize our position vs the Lutheran position?
31:13 – Jesus made a reference to Judas as a son of perdition. Would this be evidence of him being in hell?
40:43 – What happens if you are not fully repentant right before you die?
44:40 – What is the Church teaching on praying retroactively?
47:20 – Can I get your perspective on seeing the God the Father as a grandfather?
51:57 – How are we supposed to understand the passages of God instructing the Israelites to kill all living creatures of the enemy in the Old Testament?
Questions Covered:
02:08 – How far is too far with honoring a saint?
06:13 – I am divorced and haven’t had an annulment. Am I excommunicated? It lays very heavy on my heart.
13:40 – What’s the biblical rebuttal to predestination?
17:21 – Did Neanderthals have rational souls?
31:27 – Why did Jesus not allow Mary Magdalene to touch him but allowed Thomas to touch him. What’s the best defense for the shroud of Turin being legitimate?
39:57 – I’m Protestant. Do you have any resources on the Catholic and Protestant division? 20 answers
43:39 – Duet. 18.21-22 How do we tell the difference between a prophecy that didn’t come true because it was conditional or one that didn’t come true because it wasn’t from God?
49:39 – Regarding the Eucharist revealed on the road to Emmaus, what could possibly be the protestant interpretation of this story?
52:44 – Why do Orthodox celebrate Easter a week later?