#10890 Open Forum - Jimmy Akin

Questions Covered:

02:48 – In Exodus there is talks about the buying and selling of slaves. Does this mean that the bible condones chattel slavery? 
13:47 – How do I explain to my protestant friends that people don’t become angels after death? 
17:32 – I see the Holy Spirit as wisdom personified. In the bible it refers to wisdom as feminine. Is it appropriate to conclude that the Holy Spirit is female? 
29:06 – What are the requirements to obtain an indulgence for someone who has passed away during the month of November? Is the requirement of having no attachment to sin almost impossible to meet? 
33:08 – Who does the pope confess to? Is it a person or directly to God? 
34:66 – My daughter goes to a Catholic school, 
41:21 – Do Daniel 9:27 and Malachi 1:11 contradict each other? What is the proper understanding? and I discovered inappropriate books in their library. I have a meeting with the principal. Am I overreacting? 
48:05 – How is it possible for the Virgin Mary not to enter into original sin like Eve? 

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