Catholic Answers LIVECatholic Answers LIVE

Catholic Answers Live, hosted by Cy Kellett, is a daily, two-hour radio program dedicated to Catholic apologetics and evangelization. According to listener surveys, it is a runaway favorite on Catholic stations across America. 

As a call-in program, Catholic Answers Live connects listeners to prominent leaders in the Church today—including scholars, nuns, priests, bishops, and cardinals—and touches on every aspect of our lives as Christians. You'll hear discussions on just about everything relating to the Church: doctrinal controversies, family concerns,  social issues, evangelization, ethics…you name it! 

Catholic Answers Live airs every Monday through Friday from 6-8 PM Eastern (3-4 PM Pacific) on over 360 AM and FM stations in the United States, Sirius Satellite Radio channel 130, and through the Internet at If you can't listen live, you can subscribe to our podcast or download individual shows from our MP3 archive. 

Call in with your question at 1-888-31-TRUTH!


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Most Recent Episodes

Questions Covered:

03:10 – Was the Ethiopian Eunuch responsible for starting a Church in Africa. How would this be possible if he wasn’t a bishop?
05:29 – Why don’t angels preach the gospel to humans?
08:14 – How would you approach someone who says that Christianity sounds great but sounds unbelievable?
17:23 – Could you explain why the Old Testament is reasonable to believe in?
40:35 – What’s the best way to explain purgatory to protestants without invoking anger?
47:03 – What do you say to the question, if one holds to the old earth creationist view, how could there be death and disease prior to the fall?

Questions Covered:

18:26 – If you get married civilly then divorced, are you married in the eyes of the Church?
20:45 – I have a family member who married in the Church and her husband was abusive. She divorced him and now she feels pushed out of the Church. What are her options?
24:14 – Is addiction a valid reason for divorce and annulment?
31:12 – Is divorce illegal in the Church? Is it punishable by sin?
35:12 – My husband divorced me when I became Catholic. I know I can’t remarry but I know some others have. This feels like the Church is inconsistent.
42:21 – Under the circumstances where divorce is allowed, would one still need to confess their divorce?
45:33 – How do I explain to my stepdaughter that an annulment would not affect the legitimacy of her children?
48:55 – I’m on my second marriage. My priest just told me that it’s not valid. What are your thoughts?
52:09 – My sibling received an annulment. She hasn’t gone to confession. Do you think it’s important for her to go?

Questions Covered:

02:56 – Hebrew 10 says the blood of bulls and goats can’t take away sin. Why then does Leviticus say that it does?
06:00 – I heard that a red heifer was going to be sacrificed in Israel this year for Passover. Is this significant and what is the Church’s opinion of this?
14:44 – I’m in RCIA. I’m getting conflicting information. Who wrote the gospels?
23:17 – I had a seizure and was placed on meds. I started to hear a voice in my head saying I was going straight to hell. Once I started to pray the rosary, the voice immediately went away. What do you make of this?
29:10 – The bible has a lot of reference to demons. Were there a lot more demons during Christ time than ours?
32:34 – How do I understand images and apparitions of pain and suffering? I thought there was no more pain and suffering in heaven?
35:38 – Is there sometimes when more than one rosary is needed in our possession?
40:11 – Why is it that you can EM in one diocese but not another? In the Fatima apparitions it was said that one girl would be in purgatory until the end of time. If we pray for her, can we change that?
44:45 – Regarding Daniel 9:24; is Jesus the new temple?
49:58 – Why doesn’t CA produce books in mass like Matthew Kelly does? I feel like we are missing out.

Questions Covered:

04:04 – What backs up the claim that revelation ended with the last apostles?
9:47 – How do you respond to the problem of angelic hiddenness?
12:57 – When God says in Genesis, let us make man in our image, is it a reference to the Trinity?
18:40 – Is the Council of Chalcedon an illegitimate council as the Oriental Orthodox claims? If not, what’s the defense?
22:49 – Is it okay for Catholics to practice martial arts?
28:47 – St. Thomas Aquinas says the fires of purgatory are the same as the fires. How would the soul know whether they are in purgatory or hell?
35:34 – What is the oldest manuscript of the bible we have? Is our current translation the most accurate one?
40:59 – What are your thoughts on Israel only preterism?
47:09 – My college age child is attending a charismatic retreat this weekend. Should we be concerned especially with the tendency to encourage the gifts?
52:28 – Was the marriage between Mary and Joseph only a legal marriage and not a sacramental one?

Questions Covered:

04:10 – Is it ok to study religions outside of the Catholic Church?
09:49 – Are babies capable of faith even without understanding?
14:35 – What happens to people who have never heard of Jesus?
19:01 – Is it permissible to take communion at a Protestant church?
24:16 – When the Eucharist is broken, a lot of priests elevate the host spreading crumbs everywhere. Is this valid to do?
30:00 – I was invited to a neighbor’s second wedding. Could I attend? She’s a divorced baptized Catholic and this ceremony is at a winery.
40:41 – What advice would you give to a person who said that they prayed to God, and they didn’t answer so they concluded that he didn’t exist?
45:23 – Is there going to be a formal response from the Church now that the former president is calling for a 16-week abortion ban?
53:05 – Is receiving communion at another church a mortal sin and should it be confessed?


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