Catholic Answers LIVECatholic Answers LIVE

Catholic Answers Live, hosted by Cy Kellett, is a daily, two-hour radio program dedicated to Catholic apologetics and evangelization. According to listener surveys, it is a runaway favorite on Catholic stations across America. 

As a call-in program, Catholic Answers Live connects listeners to prominent leaders in the Church today—including scholars, nuns, priests, bishops, and cardinals—and touches on every aspect of our lives as Christians. You'll hear discussions on just about everything relating to the Church: doctrinal controversies, family concerns,  social issues, evangelization, ethics…you name it! 

Catholic Answers Live airs every Monday through Friday from 6-8 PM Eastern (3-4 PM Pacific) on over 360 AM and FM stations in the United States, Sirius Satellite Radio channel 130, and through the Internet at If you can't listen live, you can subscribe to our podcast or download individual shows from our MP3 archive. 

Call in with your question at 1-888-31-TRUTH!


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Most Recent Episodes

Questions Covered:

05:59 – How do we refute double predestination?
14:42 – What’s the response to the objections that consecrate virgins would make Christ a polygamist since they are his brides?
23:06 – My protestant friend claimed that the Catholic Church was founded in the 5th century by Pope Gregory the Great. What’s the response?
31:00 – Is the antichrist going to claim that he is the rightful Messiah?
35:55 – My brother says that the Eucharist is not the real presence. Can you clarify this teaching?
44:41 – I’m protestant. Can purgatory be lessened with words being spoken during last rites?

Questions Covered:

02:02 – How do I defend the deuterocanonical books?
05:42 – I’m a convert and my husband is atheist. His main question: If God is good then how did he create suffering?
16:19 – If a man has a vasectomy and later repents and goes to confession. Are he and his wife required to abstain from relations indefinitely?
20:26 – If a priest blesses a cloud, will it rain holy water?
22:04 – Regarding the prophecy of Illumination of conscience at Garabandal. If it comes to pass, will the sins we confessed be washed away from our knowledge?
29:22 – What’s the difference between the deuterocanonical and the apocrypha, and how do we defend it?
32:20 – Was the Creed the only document that came out of the Nicene council?
36:12 – Is it immoral to eat more intelligent animals like dolphins and octopus?
37:57 – Is there a reason other than a mortal sin to go to confession?
41:36 – I’m a fertility care practitioner. I always advise couples who had vasectomies to not have relations during the woman’s fertile days. Is this morally acceptable to do?
47:59 – How does one receive communion in the Church if one is divorced but was never married in the Church?
51:48 – Could you help clarify CCC 1650?

Questions Covered:
04:23 – Is it fair to use Hannibal crossing the Alps as a comparison to not being skeptical of the gospels?
15:58 – How do we respond to someone who says they are better without God?
30:35 – A god that floods an entire planet to kill his creation is not about love. Abrahamic religions are nonsensical.
33:55 – Can the canon of scripture be added to?
43:52 – How do I tow the line in staying true to the faith without jeopardizing my job in a secular society?
50:26 – What are your thoughts on grandparents promoting abortion?

Questions Covered:

08:53 – How do I defend the Catholic position on the Bipartite, tripartite nature of man? I’m in a bible study with a group of protestants and this has been a debate.
16:20 – Is it considered living in sin to be a Catholic in name only?
20:01 – Where can I find indulgences in the Church?
24:31 – If we are forgiven in this life but there is a final judgment where we are judged, how do we square those too?
35:00 – Why do Catholics have to go to a priest to have a relationship with God? Especially since the bible says we can go straight to Jesus?
43:40 – Where does Our Lady of America stand in the Church?
46:09 – What does one do with a physical copy of the liturgy of the hours? Do they have to be discarded or can they be reused?
47:54 – I just wanted clarification: Is the only way to God through a priest? Why do Catholics still pay homage to saints?

Questions Covered:

04:20 – How does one do paranormal investigations as a faithful Catholic without getting into the occult?
06:14 – Does Gal 5:2 teach that Catholics aren’t saved?
12:16 – Why is the canon of scripture closed?
16:55 – My daughter is into witchcraft and asked me how transubstantiation is not magic or witchcraft?
24:30 – Mat 5:22 What did Jesus mean when he said don’t call anyone Raca?
35:55 – If God loves this world & does not want to destroy it, then why is he promising heaven instead of doing something to fix the mess here in this world?
37:22 – Are you invoking demons when you debate Satanists?
43:30 – My Episcopalian son says he’s Catholic but not Roman Catholic. What does that mean?
50:35 – What is the actual name that people used for Jesus? Why don’t we use it?


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