Catholic Answers LIVECatholic Answers LIVE

Catholic Answers Live, hosted by Cy Kellett, is a daily, two-hour radio program dedicated to Catholic apologetics and evangelization. According to listener surveys, it is a runaway favorite on Catholic stations across America. 

As a call-in program, Catholic Answers Live connects listeners to prominent leaders in the Church today—including scholars, nuns, priests, bishops, and cardinals—and touches on every aspect of our lives as Christians. You'll hear discussions on just about everything relating to the Church: doctrinal controversies, family concerns,  social issues, evangelization, ethics…you name it! 

Catholic Answers Live airs every Monday through Friday from 6-8 PM Eastern (3-4 PM Pacific) on over 360 AM and FM stations in the United States, Sirius Satellite Radio channel 130, and through the Internet at If you can't listen live, you can subscribe to our podcast or download individual shows from our MP3 archive. 

Call in with your question at 1-888-31-TRUTH!


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Questions Covered:

13:05 – What’s the most effective way to fight back against the abortion pills being delivered via mail?
17:55 – I’m a college student. It feels like I’m the only pro-lifer in my classes. What do you think I can do without endangering my grade in class?
23:35 – I was tricked into taking an abortion pill. Are you familiar with them tricking women into taking a pill for ‘menstrual extraction’?
28:30 – What about abortion in the case of ectopic pregnancy? Is that okay?
35:05 – How do we know that conception is when the soul gets created? I don’t think it’s from scripture, right? Is it Aquinas? I hear there’s often miscarriages in early pregnancy that don’t even get noticed. So, are all those lost souls?
40:14 – Lots of abolition laws have been introduced that include punishing women who had abortions. Where does the Church stand on this?
43:40 – Do you think the prolife movement needs to rebrand after the overturning of Roe V Wade?

Questions Covered:

02:43 – When my wife comes to Mass, she goes up to receive a blessing from the priest, but when I go to protestant service with her and do not go up for a blessing, she gets mad– how do I reconcile this? 
10:59 – If you go to confession and confess 2/3 mortal sins in the confessional but then die, can those 2 confessed sins be used against you in your judgment? 
19:44 – If a married priest becomes a widower, can he then become a Bishop? 
21:44 – Which Protestant denominations are Calvinist?   
29:28 – Why might a church not have a relic in the Altar?   
40:58 – Why do Orthodox believe that we believe the Pope is infallible?  
45:41 – If Adam and Eve hadn’t sinned, but a descendant sinned, everyone still have original sin?  
48:08 – What is the Catholic evidence for Apostolic succession?  

Questions Covered:

03:14 – How many levels of hell are there? 
04:57 – Can you help me reconcile these two verses? Sirach 12: 4-7 “give to the devout but do not give to the sinner” and Proverbs 25: 21 
11:55 – How does the baptism of infants work when the infant is not capable of understanding? 
16:35 – If someone with a mental illness (such as schizophrenia) is struggling with sins of impurity, are they still morally culpable? 
20:00 – I converted to Catholicism, if I go to protestant service with my family can I receive the “communion” at their service? 
23:27 – Hypothetical question– If a priest were to die during the consecration and only consecrated the body, not the blood, is the transformation still complete? 
29:12 – If you are new to the Catholic faith should you wait to start studying apologetics or dive right in? 
38:58 – is it okay to support the scouts? 
44:32 – How explicit should you get with your sins in confession? 
47:40 – How do I explain Christ’s humanity to people who don’t understand Christ was both man and God. 
51:33 – if you don’t know you’re committing a sin are you still accountable for that sin? 

Questions Covered:

02:18 – How can I stay Catholic with all the changes from Rome?
10:21 – Does the appointment of only men imply that women are not called to spread the gospel in the same way men do?
14:53 – I heard that whatever you offer up for fasting on Fridays can also be given up.
16:16 – I’m concerned about the fewness of the saved. Is it an infallible teaching?
21:16 – Would God being perfect be necessary for him to be God?
28:57 – Can a Catholic convert to Judaism to be more like Jesus?
32:57 – Is there a list of infallible teachings?
40:16 – My daughter thinks that creation surprised God and that means that he isn’t all knowing. What is the Church response?
44:38 – Why does the Latin Church not use the host and chalice for mass anymore?
48:30 – When we talk to someone who isn’t Catholic and they question us, what should we do?
52:34 – How do we know what’s divine tradition vs man-made tradition?

Questions Covered:

05:09 – Papal Infallibility bothers me.
14:30 – Can you explain Transubstantiation?
20:34 – I’m a convert and a former pastor. Can the Church change teaching via ex cathedra?
34:12 – If you believe in a God that would send unbaptized babies to hell then I guess we don’t worship the same God.
38:28 – I’m a protestant and I want to convert. Why are we asked to give up meat for lent? Why does fish not count as meat?
48:40 – Are mortal sins infallibly defined?


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