Catholic Answers LIVECatholic Answers LIVE

Catholic Answers Live, hosted by Cy Kellett, is a daily, two-hour radio program dedicated to Catholic apologetics and evangelization. According to listener surveys, it is a runaway favorite on Catholic stations across America. 

As a call-in program, Catholic Answers Live connects listeners to prominent leaders in the Church today—including scholars, nuns, priests, bishops, and cardinals—and touches on every aspect of our lives as Christians. You'll hear discussions on just about everything relating to the Church: doctrinal controversies, family concerns,  social issues, evangelization, ethics…you name it! 

Catholic Answers Live airs every Monday through Friday from 6-8 PM Eastern (3-4 PM Pacific) on over 360 AM and FM stations in the United States, Sirius Satellite Radio channel 130, and through the Internet at If you can't listen live, you can subscribe to our podcast or download individual shows from our MP3 archive. 

Call in with your question at 1-888-31-TRUTH!


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Most Recent Episodes

Questions Covered: 

09:32 – Can you explain why all Judeo-Christian revelations come from the Middle East? 
32:58 – How can Catholics believe the Saints are in heaven based on the day of judgment?  
50:32 – Can you give advice on how to dialogue when they don’t accept the Sacrament? 

Questions Covered: 

04:53 – How can a Catholic prophecy be wrong about the end of the world?  
15:18 – Why does the Divine Mercy chaplet say, “I give you the body and blood”? 
30:05 – Why do Catholics need Confession when Jesus paid the price for our sins? 
40:56 – Is it possible to affect someone’s ultimate salvation?  
51:58 – In what sense is Jesus God?  

Questions Covered:

01:02 – What do you think about the supposed references to Jesus in the Talmud?
08:10 – Please explain how does the process work when a priest earns the title of Monsignor I’d like to understand how that whole process works.
13:?42 – Can you make a distinction between God’s miracles and what demons are capable of?
18:39 – Who is the “destroyer” / angel of death in Exodus? An actual angel?
20:24 – Do you think the Jewish faith was reinterpreted after Jesus’s death and resurrection 25:10 – Why is the word Holy Ghost said instead of Holy Spirit?
28:25 – Why are there so many people who say that the Catholic Church is evil? The red shoes are evil. The room that looks like a serpent, at the Vatican. And other claims…?
32:43 – I was recently challenged on the papal bulls allowing conquest and enslavement, followed by the bull Sublimis Deus forbidding enslavement, which I take as an abrogation of the prior. The interlocutor asked 1) how can one infallible bull overrule another one; and 2) how was anyone supposed to know when Sublimus Deus doesn’t mention the prior bulls or say they were abrogated? What do you say?
35:24 – Can you explain how the Godhead and the Trinity are not conflicting ideas or doctrines. I get SO MANY people who challenge the Trinity and say that Catholics try to replace the Godhead with the “false doctrine” of the Trinity.
44:50 – Let’s say a person was properly baptized as a child but didn’t remember. They grow up and live a secular life until finding the faith later. They go through RCIA and, not remembering that they had been already baptized, are baptized and confirmed into the church.This person thinks that their recent baptism washes away the sins to that point and so does not go to confession for those sins. Is this person in trouble spiritually? Can they, since they are ignorant of the situation, receive the Eucharist?
48:08 – Jimmy Akin, what’s your most recent and thorough reflection on Numbers 12?
51:57 – Do we have one guardian angel for our whole life?
53:11 – What are your thoughts on the “manna machine”?

Questions Covered:

02:17 -If there are conjoined twins who are saints and they have the power of bilocation, would they be able to bilocate separately or should they bilocate together?
07:06 – Will conjoined twins still be joined in their resurrected bodies?
11:11 – In marriage, is the “good of the spouses” supplied by nature, or grace?
13:10 – What is the Church’s stance on the history of St Veronica?
17:52 – Can God “forgive” you your sins or could it be more accurate to say He is the immutable embodiment of forgiveness itself- thus really only we can change by atoning and reorienting ourselves to Him?
19:35 – My son, Joshua wants to ask you if you think the Superman movies could have a Christian allegory to them?
28:42 – How/why did the Jews become monotheists?
32:41 – Where did the prayer come from that w e say at Mass after the Our Father… “For Thine is the Kingdom,,,”
35:35 – Why do you suppose the account of Peter walking on the water only in Matthew?
39:42 – My daughter has a turtle. One day, she was laying on the floor with the turtle. The turtle looks at her, then at a piece of fence about a foot or two tall, and back at her a few times. The turtle then runs to the fence, pushes it over to create a ramp (inclined plane) onto my daughter, then climbs the fence onto my daughter’s back. That would appear to be a lot of thought going on in the turtle’s brain to figure that out. What evidence do we have for the extent of intelligence in animals? Does she just have a really smart turtle?
45:41 – What’s your take on original monotheism?
49:28 – Will we continue learning in heaven? Or will we just instantaneously *know* everything we can know?
51:14 – Did Jesus drink wine, or was it just grape juice?
53:12 – If Jesus submitted his DNA to 23&Me would it prove that Joseph was his Father?

Questions Covered: 

04:00 – Did the people who were resurrected after Jesus’ resurrection in Matthew 27:53 go to heaven? 
11:12 – How do I respond to the claim that Jesus was crucified on a Wednesday? See: See my article: 
15:38 – It sounds like Catholics disagree with Christ’s teaching of eternal security in John 5:24. Can we still perish even if we believe in Christ? See article: 
19:48 – Why is the Catholic Church always in the defensive position when it comes to apologetics? 
24:23 – Why do we have to explain anything out of our faith? Why do we concentrate so much on defending the faith? 
30:20 – Can the terms priest and pastor be used interchangeably? 
34:28 – I heard a protestant say that Mt 12:32 has nothing to do with purgatory because there’s no forgiveness after we’re dead. How do I respond? 
 42:24 – Why did Mary say “My God and My Savior” in Luke? 
 46:49 – Is a crucifix a graven image that the bible condemns? 


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