Catholic Answers LIVECatholic Answers LIVE

Catholic Answers Live, hosted by Cy Kellett, is a daily, two-hour radio program dedicated to Catholic apologetics and evangelization. According to listener surveys, it is a runaway favorite on Catholic stations across America. 

As a call-in program, Catholic Answers Live connects listeners to prominent leaders in the Church today—including scholars, nuns, priests, bishops, and cardinals—and touches on every aspect of our lives as Christians. You'll hear discussions on just about everything relating to the Church: doctrinal controversies, family concerns,  social issues, evangelization, ethics…you name it! 

Catholic Answers Live airs every Monday through Friday from 6-8 PM Eastern (3-4 PM Pacific) on over 360 AM and FM stations in the United States, Sirius Satellite Radio channel 130, and through the Internet at If you can't listen live, you can subscribe to our podcast or download individual shows from our MP3 archive. 

Call in with your question at 1-888-31-TRUTH!


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Most Recent Episodes

Questions Covered:

03:45 – Given the Church doesn’t have a set view on Zionism, how far can go in saying that the entire region belongs to Israel?
06:50 – Would it be morally wrong to avoid paying tax when you can?
14:45 – My fiancé went through RCIA but didn’t convert because he can’t get past the belief in the real presence of the eucharist. What advice Can you give?
17:18 – I was told that I received communion incorrectly by smiling. Is this true?
21:25 – When Jesus was tempted in the desert, was he actually tempted to fall into sin?
31:14 – When you take the Eucharist to the homebound, does it have to go directly to them, or can you wait overnight?
37:36 – I’m trying to figure out where I belong in religion, but I don’t know the difference between being Christian and Catholic.
45:29 – How does a priest deal with loneliness?
50:23 – Is it ethical for me to work at a non-Catholic dental office?
52:55 – Is there an indulgence gained using holy water? Is it ok to do work around the house on Sundays?

Questions Covered:

07:21 – Does your guardian angel leave you when you die
12:21 – What are some good research tools and/or websites for researching paranormal experiences?
17:01 – If the priest has an accident (e.g. spills the host and/ or wine such that it’s not salvageable), before, mid, or after consecration, how would this affect the rest of the mass? If the priest would simply consecrate again, would the procedure change if there’s no more host and/ or wine to consecrate?
20:28 – Let us make man in our own image? Who is US and OUR? Is this an early indication of the Blessed Trinity?
24:39 – Why didn’t the Pharaoh at the time of Moses, being a first born, die during the 10th plague?
28:54 – During his trial, why didn’t Jesus try to stand up for himself? Pilate seemed like he would listen.
30:52 – 1. What does it mean when the church says that Mary’s virginity remained intact during childbirth? Is this belief Dogma?
33:59 – 2. Is it appropriate to worship God in Mary due to Theosis? If in heaven the saints are united to the divine nature in a similar way to Christ’s hypostatic union wouldn’t it be appropriate to worship God in the glorified saints? (I know it’s not appropriate but I just need help understanding the distinctions)
36:42 – Is there a definitive teaching (or even different schools of speculation) on whether or not your guardian angel is specifically assigned only to you (that is, the GA only ever served as a guardian for you) or do they get different assignments when their guardees die? (Asked another way, are there the same number of guardians as there have been/will be human beings; or do the guardians guard different folks throughout their “careers”?)
41:56 – At what point in attending an illicit or invalid Mass should the laity speak up or choose not to receive communion?
46:26 – If God doesn’t change (the “God is simple argument”), how does that square with Jesus gaining a human nature?
47:54 – I have heard people say that the hats that Bishop’s wear symbolize their authority. Can you please expand on this?
48:45 – What does it mean that the disciples didn’t know Jesus till the breaking of the bread
51:32 – Can any parameter of creation be infinite?
52:26 – In what sense do unicorns “exist” ? (or any other fantasy idea like orcs or dragons)
53:36 – I have a hard time learning languages. I get the principles, but the memorization of endings gets me. I am better at reading and working it out than listening and translating by hearing. I desperately want to learn Greek for purposes of studying the Bible. What program, book, software, class, etc. would you recommend someone like me look at to learn Biblical Greek?

Questions Covered:

03:32 – Do we know anything about the families of Apostles other than Peter, who had a mother-in-law? Which ones were married, who had children, etc.? 
07:19 – I’m curious about John 10:18 where Jesus talks about having the power to lay down his life and take it up again. Does this mean he could have chosen to die right then, or could it suggest that he had the option to remain on the cross longer before choosing to die? 
11:36 – What sacraments can angels administer? I’ve heard stories of angels administering holy communion and even heard once of an angel hearing confession. And it made me wonder if there has been any other sacraments they’ve been known to administer? 
15:30 – Is experiencing deja vu the intersection of your current timeline with another? 
20:52 – What’s the best answer that I can give my dad about why people who are members Opus Dei scourge themselves as a form of penance? He seems to think it’s not biblical. 
29:19 – Was it when Judas received the sacrament of the Eucharist that the devil entered into his soul due to the state it was in? 
33:46 – Would conjoined twins be able to be married in the Church? 
40:24 – Someone told me that if you add regular water to a small bit of holy water the blessing is transferred and the holy water bottle can be filled in this way as long as you don’t let it run out. Is this true? 
43:41 – How would you respond to someone who says that they’re doing just fine without God and they see no reason to acknowledge Him or follow Him? 
47:12 – Could you go over the meaning of “Transubstantiation” and what to say and not say in the Sacrament of Reconciliation? If you like I can explain further.  
 52:41 – Wouldn’t these verses from Mark 7 demonstrate that if Mary had other children, Jesus would not have given her to John to care for? 


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