Catholic Answers LIVECatholic Answers LIVE

Catholic Answers Live, hosted by Cy Kellett, is a daily, two-hour radio program dedicated to Catholic apologetics and evangelization. According to listener surveys, it is a runaway favorite on Catholic stations across America. 

As a call-in program, Catholic Answers Live connects listeners to prominent leaders in the Church today—including scholars, nuns, priests, bishops, and cardinals—and touches on every aspect of our lives as Christians. You'll hear discussions on just about everything relating to the Church: doctrinal controversies, family concerns,  social issues, evangelization, ethics…you name it! 

Catholic Answers Live airs every Monday through Friday from 6-8 PM Eastern (3-4 PM Pacific) on over 360 AM and FM stations in the United States, Sirius Satellite Radio channel 130, and through the Internet at If you can't listen live, you can subscribe to our podcast or download individual shows from our MP3 archive. 

Call in with your question at 1-888-31-TRUTH!


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Most Recent Episodes

Questions Covered:

03:37 – How important is consolation during prayer in Mass?
11:19 – How do you respond to the claim that If the devil can portray himself as an angel of light, then the devil can potentially be present himself as Mary in apparitions?
16:49 – Does the bible support sprinkling of water in baptism?
23:32 – Why don’t we quickly baptize people like protestants instead of making people go through a whole class and dragging it out?
32:47 – Why does Catholic worship re-present the cross as a sacrifice when the passover wasn’t a sin offering?
42:46 – Is Jesus’ prayer for unity in Jn 17 meant to be now or unity when he returns?
51:05 – Critique my argument for the Immaculate Conception: If Joseph was worried about Mary committing adultery he would not have to quietly divorce her. He was protecting her because he knew the truth.

Questions Covered:

04:15 – How can I elaborate on the bread of Life discourse?
19:14 – In the Hail Holy Queen, Mary is called the ‘most gracious advocate’’ How can Catholics call her that since that’s who Jesus is the gracious advocate.
29:54 – I’m protestant considering Catholicism. What should I do if I believe something is morally wrong but the Church compels us to believe?
41:48 – How do I respond to the claim that Baptism doesn’t save you?
47:46 – How do we better understand the different I Am statements?
51:59 – Can you talk about why the center for worship is different for Catholics and Protestants? One is prayer and sermon, and the other is the Eucharist.

Questions covered:

04:26 – How can God be infinite if he became man in the Incarnation?
18:10 – How do you respond to someone who says the Catholic Church got its traditions from the Roman Empire?
28:28 – Is my understanding of faith and works correct?
36:12 – The Catholic church teaches that in ongoing justification, works justify us and are not merely a sign. How is this different from a works-based salvation?
47:12 – When James 3 says teachers will be judged more harshly, does he mean judged by God or by men?
51:11 – Would it be sinful to read things formerly banned by the Church, like Machiavelli?

Questions Covered:

22:27 – A relative of mine just had his spouse leave him out of nowhere. How should we guide him towards hopeful reconciliation? 
30:31 – If a couple is living in a sinful divorce, goes to confession, but then goes right back to that same lifestyle, do they have to confess again before receiving communion and keep doing that over and over? 
33:58 – If your spouse had a previous marriage that was never annulled, and then they go through the annulment process, do you now need to get your marriage convalidated? 
35:44 – My brother married outside the Church and got a divorce. Now he’s dating a Catholic, cohabitating with her, and receiving the Eucharist. Should I say anything? 
42:01 – I was civilly married, then we had our marriage convalidated in the Church. My husband was a non-Christian. Now during our divorce he’s saying he never intended to become Catholic or raise our children Catholic. Is this grounds for annulment? 
45:43 – If someone’s spouse dies, does she still need to get an annulment before marrying someone else? 
49:12 – I’ve had two priests say it’s okay for me to date before I’ve had an annulment. Are they correct? 

Questions Covered:

01:55 – The Church Fathers have different interpretations of the unforgivable sin. How can we know the true meaning of that passage?
10:50 – How do we reconcile the consecration to the Immaculate Heart with the accusations from Protestants that Catholics worship Mary?
14:11 – Is it possible there were non-human civilizations on Earth before Adam and Eve?
19:46 – I was surprised that Catechism 1856 names immoderate laughter and idle chatter as sins. Are they really sins?
29:02 – It seems like near death experiences confirm that the soul is eternal and this life is just a passing form. Why doesn’t the Catholic Church deal with this instead of persisting with the idea of Hell to scare people into being good?
40:54 – My family believes in Oneness theology. How might I convince them of the Trinity?
47:24 – Can you obtain an indulgence now for someone who is not dead yet? And for getting an indulgence for 30 minutes of Eucharistic adoration, does it have to be the exposed Eucharist, or can it be in a closed tabernacle?
53:17 -Are we obligated to fraternally correct others?



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