Catholic Answers LIVECatholic Answers LIVE

Catholic Answers Live, hosted by Cy Kellett, is a daily, two-hour radio program dedicated to Catholic apologetics and evangelization. According to listener surveys, it is a runaway favorite on Catholic stations across America. 

As a call-in program, Catholic Answers Live connects listeners to prominent leaders in the Church today—including scholars, nuns, priests, bishops, and cardinals—and touches on every aspect of our lives as Christians. You'll hear discussions on just about everything relating to the Church: doctrinal controversies, family concerns,  social issues, evangelization, ethics…you name it! 

Catholic Answers Live airs every Monday through Friday from 6-8 PM Eastern (3-4 PM Pacific) on over 360 AM and FM stations in the United States, Sirius Satellite Radio channel 130, and through the Internet at If you can't listen live, you can subscribe to our podcast or download individual shows from our MP3 archive. 

Call in with your question at 1-888-31-TRUTH!


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Most Recent Episodes

Questions Covered: 

04:57 – Can you explain the speaking of tongue references in Acts 2?  
14:17 – Why don’t Catholics need to receive the body and blood at the same time?  
20:13 – When someone receive absolution at confession, is there ever a need to do additional penance above what the priest asks?  
31:13 – When God said he is a jealous God what does He mean? 
34:45 – Why would we need our body after second resurrection references in CCC 1059? 
39:49 – Can you explain the option of internal forum for a Catholic who was denied annulment?  
43:08 – Is there anything we are encouraged to do for St. Catherine of Siena’s feast day? 
45:13 – When Catholics discuss things with Muslim, should we mention the personal life of Mohamed?  
47:06 – Hypothetically, if a Catholic priest was elected in the next election, would he have to be laicized to take office?  
50:00 – Is there any place in the bible that mentions the existence of Dinosaurs?   
51:05 – What is the maximum age for a man to become a priest?  

Questions Covered:

11:43 – Does it matter what the image we pray to is since we don’t pray to the actual image?
16:42 – What’s the point of Marian Consecration?
20:05 – What’s the point of the repetitive nature of the rosary and the hail holy queen prayer?
31:23 – How would you clear up a misconception that Mary is competing with our natural mothers?
34:54 – If the bible is not scientific then can’t we say that Mary’s virginity is not scientific? Wouldn’t Marian consecration be a validation of that?

Questions Covered:

22:27 – Do you focus on how liberalism affects sexual ethics only or economics etc in your new book?
28:55 – What is your opinion on how much social media and the availability of information has played into this confusion?
32:14 – Was there a meeting at the Kennedy compound where pro-abortion politicians were given a roadmap to set their agenda?
45:09 – Why doesn’t the USCCB have an official position on Methotrexate, the chemical used in abortion?
49:50 – How do you address questions in regard to the opposite of progressive Catholicism?

Questions Covered:

02:49 – Does the death of Joseph elevate Jesus as the king and Mary as the queen mother? 
11:18 – Regarding the story of the woman caught in adultery. Why is it included in the gospel of John in bibles but not others? 
19:35 – If Adam and Eve did not disobey, would Jesus have ever come? 
28:46 – I was asked: Were the 3 wisemen following the star of the devil? And Michael the Archangel isn’t what Catholics think he is. I didn’t know how to respond. How can I reply? 
41:20 – How can we avoid heresy especially if you’re not familiar with heresies and Church history? 
46:25 – I bought a crystal that might have been used in Chakra. I wanted to gift it to my dad since he’s a rock collector. Is it spiritually dangerous to possess this? 
49:40 – Did Adam know of the fruit he was eating? How did the world come to be populated if there were only 2 people?

Questions Covered:

03:52 – What does true humility look like and what does one have to do to attain it?
06:35 – If a bishop is removed from a diocese as the bishop, why do they retain the title of bishop?
11:24 – Why was Mary’s title changed from lowly handmaid to lowly servant?
14:21 – I wrote a syllogism on God that led me to the logical conclusion of pantheism. Can you tell me where I went wrong?
20:42 – Do you have advice for someone who wants a spiritual director but will be moving soon?
24:09 – As a Catholic, can I just pray to Jesus?
29:33 – When did the Church start to implement annulments?
34:56 – Does Jesus in heaven still have the wounds from the crucifixion?
39:58 – What do you think of the Independent Catholic Movement?
41:38 – I’m in RCIA and have been struggling with early term abortion. Why is it bad and why do we believe that a soul is infused to an embryo?
47:56 – Fr. Paul led my RCIA class 32 years ago. I just want to say hello.
49:57 – What is the Church’s belief on who the whore of Babylon is?
52:09 – Is a livestream of Eucharistic adoration a valid form of adoration?


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