Catholic Answers LIVECatholic Answers LIVE

Catholic Answers Live, hosted by Cy Kellett, is a daily, two-hour radio program dedicated to Catholic apologetics and evangelization. According to listener surveys, it is a runaway favorite on Catholic stations across America. 

As a call-in program, Catholic Answers Live connects listeners to prominent leaders in the Church today—including scholars, nuns, priests, bishops, and cardinals—and touches on every aspect of our lives as Christians. You'll hear discussions on just about everything relating to the Church: doctrinal controversies, family concerns,  social issues, evangelization, ethics…you name it! 

Catholic Answers Live airs every Monday through Friday from 6-8 PM Eastern (3-4 PM Pacific) on over 360 AM and FM stations in the United States, Sirius Satellite Radio channel 130, and through the Internet at If you can't listen live, you can subscribe to our podcast or download individual shows from our MP3 archive. 

Call in with your question at 1-888-31-TRUTH!


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Most Recent Episodes

What is going on in the Church around the world?
Questions Covered:

32:32 – The Church is wringing its hands now that Biden is president but didn’t speak out against his morals before the election. Why is there this strange standard? 
35:30 – Am I right in thinking that Cardinal Pell was framed wrongly by corrupt people in the Vatican? 
40:30 – What is the Church’s position on which vaccines are morally permissible? 
44:06 – what the hell is going on with the coverage of religion in the secular media – the reporting on it isn’t “wrong” it’s illiterate. 
48:54 – I am very upset about our president and his feelings on abortion. Why isn’t the Church doing more to fight abortion and other important issues? 

How can we take comfort and direction from Scripture in times of great trial?
Questions Covered:

22:32 – Matthew 1:19 talks about St. Joseph trying to figure out what to do when he finds out Mary is pregnant. What does this verse mean and how can we apply it to our lives and trials? 
30:23 – You said that in Egypt, the Hebrews were following in the pagan depravity of the Egyptians. Where is the evidence for that in the text? 
34:05 – With this lockdown, how can we build up our domestic Church and live out our family life the best we can? 
44:00 – Do you think our Church fails to take a hard view on certain issues to keep their financial support from their divided flock? 
49:00 – What does Jesus mean when he says that he did not come to bring peace, but the sword (Mt. 10:34)? 

Questions Covered:

4:26 – We know that the devil tempted Jesus. Is there evidence that the devil tempted Mary? 
08:24 – I am being received in the Church this Easter. I was raised with the teaching that Jesus said divorce is unacceptable except when adultery is committed. I think the Catholic Church says it is never permissible. What is the reason for this? 
19:13 – During a Catholic marriage, is it permissible for the betrothed to prostrate themselves, like the priests do when they are ordained? 
22:24 – When you pray, is there any limit of prayer intentions that you can attach to your prayers? 
30:24 – How many angels did God make originally? Does he still make angels now? Is there a finite number of demons? 
34:04 – For the Passover meal, would the Jewish people take the lamb into their house to sacrifice it, or would they sacrifice it outside and then cook it inside? 
36:52 – In the Old Testament, they talk about the Holy of Holies in the Temple and in the Mass, the Real Presence. I thought God was everywhere. How can I understand him being everywhere but more so in one place? 
43:38 – Why does the Old Testament canon differ in content, depending on which codex it was? 
47:53 – A number of parishioners have approached me about the validity of the writings of Luisa Picaretta and the Divine Will. It is not approved by the Church at this time. How should I guide them? 
52:55 – What can one do when researching an issue, but finding that two orthodox moral theologians disagree on that issue? How can one find the correct view? 

Questions Covered:

03:51 – How valid are the healings done on TV on channels like the 700 club?  
11:12 – How does the Church interpret or understand what unclean spirits are in the Bible? 
14:20 – If God can do anything, can He sin? 
17:18 – Is Mass and the consecration valid if the priest only uses ASL and does not speak? 
21:16 – Are Christians expected to work on the Sabbath or can they keep the Sabbath? 
24:10 – What is the origin of the word dicastery? 
30:09 – Do popes and nuns and priests automatically go to heaven when they die? 
31:55 – Can you explain why Jesus is so harsh to the Canaanite woman in Mark 7:27, calling her a dog? 
36:36 – Where did the expression “robbing Peter to pay Paul” come from? 
43:26 – I have been trying to prove the existence of God and have been having trouble connecting the immaterial nature of God to Jesus’ very material existence on earth and Incarnation. Can you help me? 
46:55 – Is there any evidence that Joseph took a vow of virginity? 
50:35 – Guadalupe radio network…What causes someone to be excommunicated from the Church? 

Trent helps callers to better defend their Catholic faith.
Questions Covered:

10:09 – There are historical arguments that say Jesus really didn’t exist, saying that Tacitus and Josephus got their information from shoddy sources. How can I refute this?  
18:27 – I am about to get confirmed and I invited a Protestant friend. He believes that the sacrament is unnecessary and man-made. How can I explain how important Confirmation and the other sacraments are?  
32:35 – How can I argue for Mary’s intercessory power or being full of grace? 
42:38 – Is the crisis of the birth rate a good argument against contraception and abortion? 


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