#10264 Addiction and Healing - Scott Weeman
Questions Covered:
15:01 – As an alcoholic in recovery, how can you confess mortal sins if you can’t remember everything you did?
19:35 – I’m a recovering alcoholic and there is tons of wisdom in those AA rooms. I owe my recovery to them.
23:56 – I have Scott’s book and it’s great for me.
33:17 – I don’t think my mother is an alcoholic, but she definitely abuses alcohol. How can I talk to her about being more temperate?
36:43 – I love that Scott is bringing a Catholic voice to this when there’s so much Catholic stuff hidden in it already.
47:12 – How is the religious 12-step program different from the traditional 12-step program?
51:50 – If the Bible says alcoholics won’t inherit the kingdom of heaven, why do we have people in recovery say every day “I’m an alcoholic”?
Resources Mentioned: