#10262 Open Forum - Jimmy Akin
Questions Covered:
03:04 – Are earrings and tattoos sinful because they damage our bodies without benefit?
08:40 – Are Christian conceptions of angels derived from Zoroastrian tradition?
15:50 – Why does the Douay-Rheims Bible list a third and fourth book of Kings?
18:33 – If our only choices are obey God or go to hell, how do we have free will? Sounds like he’s making us an offer we can’t refuse.
20:11 – Does a forgotten mortal sin merit purgatory?
22:20 – Are Catholics required to believe that Mary didn’t suffer labor pains?
28:25 – Is the man speaking to Daniel in Daniel 10:5 considered to be Jesus? Are there any other appearances of Jesus in the Old Testament?
34:25 – Where is the Garden of Eden now?
36:12 – Did the early Christians tamper with the Old Testament?
41:26 – The Catechism says angels are spiritual, non-corporeal beings, but the Bible seems to depict them as having bodies. How should we understand them?
49:15 – What does it mean to increase in the state of righteousness after initial justification?
52:25 – Why does God allow us to have loving relationships with other people if he alone satisfies all our needs and happiness?