Catholic Answers LIVE
Catholic Answers Live, hosted by Cy Kellett, is a daily, two-hour radio program dedicated to Catholic apologetics and evangelization. According to listener surveys, it is a runaway favorite on Catholic stations across America.
As a call-in program, Catholic Answers Live connects listeners to prominent leaders in the Church today—including scholars, nuns, priests, bishops, and cardinals—and touches on every aspect of our lives as Christians. You'll hear discussions on just about everything relating to the Church: doctrinal controversies, family concerns, social issues, evangelization, ethics…you name it!
Catholic Answers Live airs every Monday through Friday from 6-8 PM Eastern (3-4 PM Pacific) on over 360 AM and FM stations in the United States, Sirius Satellite Radio channel 130, and through the Internet at If you can't listen live, you can subscribe to our podcast or download individual shows from our MP3 archive.
Call in with your question at 1-888-31-TRUTH!
Most Recent Episodes
Questions Covered:
01:24 – How do Catholics understand Daniel 9:24-27, particularly the part about the messiah being cut off in the middle of the week?
08:30 – The death penalty is all over the Bible, but is it supported by anything Jesus said?
15:33 – Where should I tell my agnostic friends to begin reading the Bible?
20:17 – When Jesus died, did just his human nature die or both his human and divine natures?
24:36 – In Romans 9, is “Those he foreknew he also predestined” the most accurate translation? If not, what’s more accurate? If it is, how is that compatible with free will?
36:12 – Does 1 Corinthians 11:5-6 and 10 require women to wear veils at Mass?
44:03 – Could Mary have said no?
48:28 – Is it wrong to ask the Saints to physically do something for us?
50:43 – Colossians attributes creation to the Son, but the Creed attributes it to the Father. Who created?
Questions Covered:
04:47 – What’s the logic behind the objections to the deuterocanonical books?
16:01 – Is the divine simplicity found in the Bible? Can a Catholic hold to a different metaphysical view?
22:46 – Does Heb 11:6 mean that someone who doesn’t believe in God can’t do anything good?
34:00 – Where does the Bible mention the existence of purgatory?
37:45 – I’ve been told that the temple description in Ezekiel is supposed to be a representation of the Church today. If that’s the case, why did Ezekiel go into so much detail about the temple?
46:38 – Isaiah 3:44 says “All the hosts of heaven shall rot away.” How is that possible?
52:34 – What does Paul mean in 1 Tim 1:13 when he says shown mercy because of his ignorance?
Questions Covered:
06:35 – Did Jesus have a guardian angel? Could the one who comforted him during his Agony in the Garden have been it?
15:00 – Do sedevacantist priests confer valid sacraments?
17:53 – My priest doesn’t allow us to go to confession anonymously. How can we work around this without doing anything wrong?
22:10 – If you audibly hear a voice telling you a negative message while you’re looking at the crucifix, is it from Jesus or could it be from elsewhere?
30:40 – Will the apostolic pardon keep you out of purgatory?
33:13 – Was Mary only sinless when she was pregnant with Jesus, or was she sinless her whole life?
36:28 – Were the words of the Memorare changed from “in thy clemency hear and answer me” to “in your mercy?”
39:55 – Why isn’t it idolatry to have figurines and shrines of saints?
46:40 – My Pentecostal relative died recently and my family wanted to have the service in a Catholic church. They also wanted a pentecostal preacher to say the service, but the priest said no and they got very upset. How could I have talked to them about it better?
51:00 – I’ve been a Protestant my whole life. I’m thinking about becoming Catholic but I’m having a really hard time getting in contact with the local priest. Is this a sign that God doesn’t want me to become Catholic?
Questions Covered
03:20 – In the Olivet discourse, the Apostles asked when the world would end, and Jesus said he didn’t know. How could that be if he’s God?
16:15 – Would it be ethically okay to kill someone if I had no choice in order to save my family?
22:42 – Do we have to stop watching movies or shows where people use God’s name in vain? Are we participating in that sin?
31:20 – Why does the Creed say Jesus rose “again” from the dead?
37:12 – If people can be saved by invincible ignorance (not knowing the Gospel through no fault of their own), does that mean we shouldn’t try to convert them, since there’s a better chance of them being saved if they haven’t heard?
44:18 – Why did Joseph want to divorce Mary? Was it because he believed what she told him and didn’t think he was worthy, or because he didn’t believe her and thought she’d committed adultery?
50:24 – What’s the difference between sinlessness and righteousness?
51:51 – Is there a plenary indulgence with Last Rites, and how does that affect our time in purgatory?
Questions Covered
04:38 – How do I answer the Protestant objection to praying to the saints that says they don’t hear us because that would make them sad, and there’s no sadness in heaven?
12:27 – Is it sinful to use recreational marijuana in moderation?
18:13 – If your priest isn’t paying attention during your confession, does your absolution still count?
23:00 – What are some good and not-so-good biblical movies?
32:44 – My girlfriend’s employer is mandating the COVID vaccine and she doesn’t want to get it. How could she bring this up to her employer?
43:52 – Why do we call Mary “Mother of God” if God is eternal and there are three distinct persons of the Trinity? Isn’t that a misleading title?
50:28 – Why do we want to go to heaven if “Heaven and earth shall pass away”?