#10524 Open Forum for Those in RCIA - Pat Flynn

Questions Covered: 
08:01 – My granddaughter is in RCIA, and we went to Ash Wednesday Mass together.  She asked why we don’t have women priests. What’s a good way to explain this to a teen? 
15:39 – I’m considering joining RCIA. Why can’t religion embrace evolution? If God infuses a soul, how do new souls come into existence? 
21:12 – I’m a RCIA instructor, I want to ask you about the processes and if you think there’s a better way to instruct and improve now that you’re on the other side? 
29:22 – I’m too shy to come into the Church but can I still receive the anointing of the sick? 
35:42 – If a person was baptized into the Church do they have to go through RCIA to receive all the other sacraments? 
40:30 – I’m very confident in converting but the one thing that hangs me up is not being married in heaven. Are we going to have a close relationship in heaven? 
47:48 – Can a baptized 9-year-old go to RCIA and get formed in the sacraments? 

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